Saturday 26 May 2018

niina's birthday

music video goals



Yeet yeet and phuc picked me up at 7:15 in the morning (on 3 hours of sleep). Got to uni at 9 am to hopefully spend the entire day doing my ELEC assignment which was due the next day but when I got to the computer lab I read my assignment and had no idea how to start. Also I was legit in the pissiest mood after spending all day Wednesday punishing my friends and myself after Deadpool so I didn't ask anyone to come study with me in ELEC (except for Stephen cus we were both dying doing the same assignment l m a o). But yeah until noon I was finishing Niina's birthday card cutting out pictures n shit. It was quite therapeutic.

Went down to Red Centre to get Brenda and Chris to sign the card but it was just Brenda cus Chris didn't wake up in time HAHAHA. Then went up to lib to get Andy, Phuc and Yiyi to sign but we had to pull some sneakies since they were studying with Niina. I asked Niina to get coffee with me and I thought she would take ages to come out but nah she came out almost immediately so Phuc had to run and hide the card. Then Andy came and Niina was so sus cus I don't usually hang out with Andy. YEAH IT WAS JUST WEIRD HAHAHAHA. 

But bought some naan and went back to ELEC building to see that Stephen had arrived and we were both fkn hopeless but at least we were hopeless together. Legit sat there for long because we were both messaging people to help us but no one was replying. ANYWAY, Shinami eventually saved our lives HAHAHA. He send us the google sheets he had been working on with his friends so we could start. just to give u an idea of the fucking truth table we had to come up with... literally later0. 
I went to my last ANAT tute ever!!  Got 4/6 for my quiz despite not studying lol. Muscles are hard af >:(

Then went back to ELEC building to continue suffering. Worked on the simulation part for so long because I couldn't get all the state changes to show. I rage quitted and went to get subway for dinner and when I came back Rachel Feng helped me get it to work. She's legit so nice. Then Shinami sent me his entire assignment which was 22 pages long. at this stage my assignment was 0 pages long.
Yiyi and Phuc were waiting for me to finish the computing part of my assignment so they could drive me home and omg I felt so bad for making them wait. Just before 12 I went up to lib to say happy birthday to Niina and lololol all of squad were together doing their stats quiz. Chilled for a little bit, then Yiyi and Niina came back to ELEC building with me to watch me finish coding. I basically copied Shinami's code but changed variable names and cases to if statements fmd. SO BAD.
Then we left Stephen to continue suffering and Phuc drove us home. He was driving Yiyi's car which didn't have green P plates so he stole them but he was like "i just took one from two different cars so its not as bad". In the car home, I started actually typing up my assignment. Got home, showered, wrapped Niina's present, did more of my assignment then went to sleep at 4.

Friday (Niina's Birth)

Got to uni at 9:30 am and had 2.5 hrs to finish and print my assignment. Lowkey was freaking out because I forgot that I needed to draw some circuits that Shinami hadn't sent me and it was taking forever. 

At 11:15 am I printed it but didn't print the cover sheet. Then the printer decided to stop working and at around 11:40 I had to power walk to lib to print it, then walk-run all the way down to Matsci to hand it in. Also I stapled it upside down. LEL. Anyway, handed it in with a couple of minutes to spare but fk was rly stressed for a sec there. 

Grabbed a free V on the way to my histology lab with Jason Phu and it was chill. He gave me some almonds for nourishment for my dying body. Legit was so sleep deprived and hadn't eaten. Last histo lab and it was quite boring we were just doing skin.

Went to Mathews 301 which was booked out for WIESoc. Brenda and Lizzie were just studying so I took a fat nap but I kept fading in and out of consciousness cus I could hear Clara talking to Lizzie and Brenda talking to her sister.

Then Niina called me out of the blue and asked if I wanted to go alcohol shopping with her and Miriam. She was flaking her math tute so we couldn't surprise her at Penny Lane like we wanted to so we just gave her her presents when she came upstairs with Miriam!! We got her the most basic bitch things HAHAHHA. The vans that everyone has and a mon purse card holder. 

Miriam drove us to Maroubra where we bought seaweed and I got a cheese and bacon roll because I was starving. Then to Dan Murphys to buy more alcohol. Got back to Niinas where we set up a few more things and Niina got ready. 
Teebana arrived (Niina's hs friend) so I went into her room and took a nap HAHAHA. They woke me up cus they needed to try on their outfits lmao.

THEN THE PARTY STARTEDDDDD. Woopee. I legit conked out so early though. I remember everything up to a point where I was just chilling on Niina's bed talking to her friend Sarah who was quite tipsy and told me she was too socially awkward to be a doctor HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA and then I think I just fell asleep or smth. IDK.

but yeah before that we played the multiplication game and drank way too much soju. I lost twice. Once to Niina and once to Lizzie HOW SHAMEFUL omg. but yeah it was really fun!! Like its so weird because I feel like everyone that came was so friendly and even though everyone was from different groups, they were all the kind of people that are so up for meeting people so everyone was mingling and hanging out.
Lizzie said she wouldn't drink but yeah she got baited so hard. We were running out of soju so we told Phuc to go buy more!! THE NIGHT GOT SO ROWDY THO HAHAHAH someone broke a window and someone broke/fractured their foot.
Niina and I had the longest bathroom dnm like I was crying and shit and people thought that Niina was chundering cus we were in there for so long. People kept knocking on the door wanting to pee but we kept yelling at them to go away. So they had nowhere to pee. One guy went outside to pee and when he walked back inside he thought the window was a door and he banged into it and broke it hahahahhahaha.

Yeet yeet died so early so I gave her a blanket and she just slept on the couch whilst everyone was still kicking on. 
I am not longer a weak bitch (hopefully).


In the morning, I woke up in Niina's bed feeling so fucking drunk and she was next to me on the second mattress on the floor BAHAHAHHAA. I felt so bad so when she got up I rolled onto the floor so she could have the bed but she didn't even end up going back to sleep. Apparently her mum was super mad at her but yeah it was such a funny situation. Her mum was silently vacuuming in the morning and every time someone greeted her she wouldn't say anything. but you hear about how house parties are just a no no and idk i just found it so funny that her house actually got trashed.
Niina's mum painting over some red marks that wouldn't wash off lmao
Spent the morning talking to Harry Zhanga and Ben Cai?? It was pretty random but they are both so nice. and Harry is the most interesting person on this planet. He emailed NASA being like I have these ideas about farming in space and then they emailed back being like ok you should do it then because no one at NASA is doing it rn. So he basically got NASA's approval and started a new SLP about space farming. 

Yiyi dropped me off at Central and I came home to the best surprise every. My dad bought LACTOSE FREE MILK!!! WTH!!! i didn't even know that was a thing. It tastes sweeter than normal milk because they add the enzyme lactase into the milk (which is what lactose intolerant people are deficient in) and it breaks down the lactose into glucose and galactose. Both of those things are sweeter than lactose so the milk tastes a lot sweeter. WHICH IS GOOD because I won't have to add as much sugar when I make milk tea and it'll still be sweet. HOW COOL IS THAT.

Far out I spent so long watch youtube videos about lactose intolerance and it is so interesting.


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