Monday 4 July 2016

201st Post

I was going to do a special post for my 200th blog post but I forgot and accidentally blogged about my fabulous voting day yesterday :(

Going by view counts not many people read my bullshit anymore but that's ok because it was meant to be something for me to just document the things I did from day to day and rant about things that were on my mind.

My biggest fear is being alone and recently that has been so obvious when I've been drunk (tragic). Before Black Party I hid in the closet of the hotel room and told myself I would know if anyone loved me if they realised I was missing. The sad part is no one realised and they eventually all left without me lol.  I was about to not go out at all but then I realised I spent all this money on a dress/hotel/alcohol I might as well try to have fun. 

FD/Amy tried to justify it by sayin that people left progressively and they didn't know who had gone already. Anyway I drunkenly put some shoes on and ran out to the elevator and I said something like "YOU ALL LEFT ME NO ONE LOVES ME" or some shit idk and I told them I didn't have the room key but no one cared and I had to get another one but no one was waiting for me so I told FD to wait and Victor was like no I don't want to wait and everything culminated and I just realised that no one really cares lmao. 

The receptionist said I could get one when I came back so I was like cool and I ran out to hopefully find other friends but when I went outside  they were all like halfway across the bridge and Amy was with Stephen and Feng had her arms around Andrew and I was just like -.-  FD was with Victor and idk it was just so tragic and I felt so sad when I was drunk

Anyway, that wasn't even the worst of it. I cut the line with Michelle and finally I had a "single" friend and I was about to go into Home when I realised she wasn't there anymore because she was waiting for Marco and I was alone in Home. Next time I saw her, Marco had his arms around her and lol another tragedy. (side note: I was talking to Tania yesterday and she told me some strange stories about Marco)

Spent lots of time looking for other people but no one was looking for me (except for arguablY Amy) and its honestly the worst feeling. 

IDK why I'm sharing this because its kinda my fault. 

The other time I was drunk I told Amy I wanted to be a serial killer because they were always remembered. So ye I don't want to die alone. 

All-in-all my self confidence and social awkwardness has not improved since I started this blog and I was hoping that this was a just a phase but its seriously not going away. HAHAHAHAHA ok. Who else wishes they were anyone but themselves? 

On a lighter note, the Pauline Hanson related memes on the HSPAS page are really fucking amazing. 

I didn't go to tutoring today because I have a throat infection (I think) and can't really talk.

Went out just then for a late night snack pack with my cousins from Sammy's Kebabs Canley Heights. First time reviewer please don't tear my apart for getting tabouleh.
Signage: didn't look for it but I assume its Halal.
Packaging: 10/10 - styro goodness
Meat: 9/10 - got mixed chicken and beef. Chicken was tender af and beef was the perfect chewiness. Only thing was that one of the beef pieces wasn't cut enough like it was a huge ribbon which Amy had to help me cut up.
Sauce: 9/10 - got tomato. kidding would never get that dingo shit on the godly HSP. got bbq and garlic (didn't get chilli because that would not be good for my throat). Both were yum and not too overpowering. Also, I'm pretty sure the guy put the sauce over the chips, as well as also the meat so yay. Points deducted for some bits lacking sauce.
Chips: 10/10 - some bits crunchy and some bits slightly soggy but idm cus I like soggy chips. Nicely salted.
Tabouleh: 6/10 - most would say tabouleh on a HSP is haram but it makes you feel like you aren't killing your heart. The tabouleh was ok nothing special. Not sour enough all the greens were just dry idk. Not sure if thats how its supposed to be. And they were kinda stingy with it as well.
Presentation: 10/10 - lots of effort making sure beef was on one side, chicken was on the other with a line of Tabouleh separating them.
Value: 7/10 - $19 for a large. Seems ok. Mildly filled four people.
Overall: solid 8.5/10 - would get again.

Saw one of my year 5 tutoring kids (the kindest one) while I was out at Canley and she said the teacher who subbed today was so boring because she was on her phone on Facebook the whole time HAHAHAHAHAHA

Has anyone watched Buried? The movie with Ryan Reynolds trapped in a box with only a couple of items (mobile phone, lighter etc). WORST ENDING EVERY OMFG I can't believe I wasted 2 hours of my life watching that.

1 comment:

  1. 1. i still read/come back on a daily basis to check :)))
    2. now u know
    3. nice hsp review
