Saturday 9 July 2016

one man and his dog

The only good thing to come out of that wretched movie was this song. Give it a listen its so nice on full volume when you're walking by yourself and looking at nature (wtf that sounded so old lady like). Also I rewatched it with my mum and she cried LOL.
Went out today after an uneventful morning. Feng and I met FD outside Prada Westfield and Jan was missing because she was out looking for Pokemon. She couldn't find anything except Zubats :(

Side note: I downloaded Pokemon Go and it isn't that fun because I'm very ceebs to move out of my house. Its fun on the train tho lol. but 50% of the time it doesn't load properly so I'm like wtf am i supposed to do?!?!

Then we went to Arisun Express to eat dinner but it was too full (and we saw Phuc and Nancy taking up a four person table lol AND I THOUGHT HE COULDN'T SEE ME BECAUSE HE WAS NOT REACTING TO MY FACE AGAINST THE BARRIER but nah he just being annoying)

Decided to trek to legit Arisun and we had black bean noodles, some rice thing with beef and fried chicken. Food was ok ~~~~

in addition to that we ordered a bottle of plain soju, and a yakult mixed drink which was nice. Phuc and Nancy then walked past us HAHAHAHA. We quickly realised that one bottle of soju was not enough to get us crunk so we ordered two more and played "One man and his dog" which Janet taught us!! Pretty sure people around us were staring but we were too tipsy to care.

Them we stumbled to Home Bar which was $30 entry (bye felicia), then time travelled to Scary Canary where we danced for a bit. So many white people yet again and Feng was not tipsy at all so she didn't find it fun but eh it was ok! Sent some regrettable snaps to a few people but all in all solid night out. Also voice is gone again :(

Scrolling through facebook and saw this. Immediately thought it was a mini panama hat.

Southpaw Review (not rly)

FUCKING FANTASTIC MOVIE don't watch any trailers or read the summaries on IMDB because they basically spoil the whole thing. Lucky I didn't but Amy's brother still told me a pretty big plot point which I didn't want to know. Jake Gyllenhaal is such a good actor. I was so creeped out by him in Nightcrawler but jaysus you can't help but feel for him in this one. SOOOOOOO GOODDDDDDDDDDD a little cliche towards the end but whatever it is forgiven.

you know you might surprise yourself

Me trying seafood each time.......and not being surprised at how consistently disgusting it is.

LOL I hate it so much but I wish I liked it sometimes because it looks so nice. I'm so hypnotised by sushi videos. And fishing videos. Like this sea urchin one. The yellow edible part of sea urchin looks so cool. 


fuck u Raonic bye I'm out.


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