Wednesday 13 July 2016


Went to eat lunch with alien and whale today at Albee's Kitchen CAMS PIE!

Yummy yummy in my tummy I had beef rendang with rice, Feng had some curry thing, FD had hainan chicken.

They gave me some pickle thing and it tasted really off so I didn't eat it.

We literally had nothing to do so we lay on a big bench in the park for an hour or so before going to a cafe and drinking some nasty ass green-tea shiet.

FD had to leave to go to work (which she found out was not even today) so Feng and I went inside the shopping centre and played speed HAHAHAHA that is the epitome of boredness.

Bored at home again but making pad see ew for lunch tmr and going out tmr night so that is something to look forward to. What movie shall I watch now?


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