Saturday 2 July 2016

who else voted for the weed party?

LOL title says it all. Seriously saw it on the Senate ballot paper and after voting for Labor and the Greens I was like hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm THE MARIJUANA PARTY SOUNDS GOOD. lol me being a responsible adult.

Started my day at tutoring and yenno the standard "want to die" kinda feel.

Then drove to voting at Carramar P.S. I'm so bad I only know how to get to places from my house. But idk how all the roads link together and everything hahaha. Anyway I had to google map it and now I probs have no 3G left :(

Found an easy parking spot (thank buddha) and went to line up then spotted Tania and we both laughed because we can't adult. We voted together and it was basically a teamwork thing. The only difference was she voted for the Catholic Party whilst I voted for the Weed Party. My maturity is really apparent.

Saw my year 1/2 teacher (Ms Keeley) who I have on fb LOL. She said that I was enjoying uni too much because she saw my fb photos holding beers. Also she kept making fun of me doing engineering...she said hahahahaha ok you go off and be a construction worker?!!? My artworks are still hanging on the walls of the hall.
Also seeing the playground and everything I just felt so sad :(

Then we drove to Maccas and stayed there for 1 whole hour pigging out on nuggets, frozen coke and soft serve. Holy shit this is why my double chin is growing like a leech

Anyhow chicken nuggets are so good. 24 chicken nuggets for $9.95 is the best deal :O

I was such a bully back in primary school. Tania told me that she opened her Jumpy's packet upside down once and I was like "you opened it upside down so now you have to give me one" and she gave me one. I was so mean lel.

now just sitting like a potato. Haven't marked the homework for tomorrow. what to do? idk? I don't want to do it?


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