Friday 15 July 2016

Kanzi club myself to death

when you use your incense and your net decides to stop working

so tired

Went out with Jan and Lulu on Wednesday night when I was supposed to hang with Feng and FD bcus Feng fucked up her violin times gg.

We went to Kanzi Club. It was quite tragic because we were the only ones there in this huge club/restaurant that was blasting really loud music.

Food was decent - a tiny bit on the expensive side but not too bad. We also ordered the cool looking cocktails with the cruiser bottles suspended upside down. NOT WORTH $15 LOL they just tasted like ordinary cruiser. I think the staff may have been a bit ceebs and just poured us cruisers tbh. They were all fobs and their service was pretty shit HAHAHA.

Jan was on her phone for majority of the night trying to sort out her bsoc ball tickets. We just talked about other people because nothing going on in our mundane lives ~

I wish people lived closer to me. life is a struggle.

Tutored Kevin today then rushed back to cabra to tutor 4U kids. It was one of their birthdays today so I bought them all mango pancakes and they also bought Krispy Kremes yum yum.

The taylor swift/Calvin Harris drama is so juicy HAHAHA love it

don't want to start preparing tutoring work kmsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

honestly winged tutoring/uni this sem like I would prep work the night before I actually went to tutoring. idk if I can do that again. too much stress but at the same time fuck tutoring.


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