Thursday 28 July 2016

bav wav bav bav


BIOM - Had first BIOM lecture yesterday. Our course coordinater is really funny. Every week we're going to have a different guest lecturer so not sure what we are being tested on....

We spent half the lecture doing this get to know you activity where we had to pick our aussie name by adding "o" or "ie" to the end of the first syllable of our first/last name. Mine was Luongo. Then we were given a worksheet with random questions and we had to find others that knew the answers, then write down their aussie name and the course they were doing. It was actually really fun. I met a lot of people that I have now forgotten...

MMAN - Boring af...I think I'm going to stop going soon. Its just like physics.

COMP - Starting to get lost and its only the second lecture. Our lecturer teaches stuff once then thinks that we know it straight away and then she codes so fucking fast like we can't even see what she is doing. 

Chilled out with Whansae for an hour then went to Feng's house again because boredom -.- 

I SAW MS BAV AT CENTRAL HAHAHAHAHAHAH I was so shocked and I told her feng transferred to unsw and she said that WAS CUTE??? shes so nice :0 idk how she dealt with our shenanigans in year 10. I was also so awkward I made weird hand actions at her bcus she needed to catch her train. IDK its so weird seeing a teacher outside of school like so weirdness. Also saw some badminton kids whilst waiting for the train like ANNIE SHE'S SO FUNNY.

Yes anyway then went to Campsie, bought some hot star fired chicken (yass) and went o Feng's house. She had to teach a kid so like I just slept in her bed again. THen we met FD At meridian and had dinners. WE all got tomato rice and crispy chicken. Then went to meet fresh and ordered the signature herbal jelly and some weird herbal jelly mango sago thing that was actually quite nice. 


MATH1231 - damn the lecturer for 31 is so much slower than 41 lol. Its actually kind boring...I'm actually understanding stuff though which is good. Daniel Chan so gooooood. He's using star wars droids for his examples
I am practising coding from the first 2 lectures atm and I am slowly getting it lol. I think its my fav subject so far because it doesn't feel like work. 

but at the same times its so hard and I'm so nooby so i think I'm doing everything the super slow way :/


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