Thursday 21 July 2016

absolut-ly smashed

Tuesday Night (19/7/16)
So going to blog about Marco's birthday party instead of writing my year 9 reports.

Arrived with most of the SGHS group at 7 ish and it was really awkward cus we were one of the first people there. I don't think Marco has ever met me before but I still got invited??? who knows??

Anyway it was really awkward and stuff because we weren't drunk enough so Feng, Lianne, Crystal and I kept taking shots of the black Absolut which just tastes as ratchet as normal Absolut. The bar man Austin poured us half shots all the time cus he said that a normal shot size is actually 2?? but we didn't believe him hahah

Anyway shortly after that I was not sober anymore. And then the whole night turned into a blur. Here are some things I remember:

  • Feng and I went outside and we saw all these people muzzing and it looked ridiculous
  • I really wanted to smoke cigarettes but Lucy didn't let me
  • Met these guys called Kosuke and Jordan but don't remember what I said to them
  • Feng was making out with this dude and Lianne, Fd and I went to look for her but eventually I gave up
  • Met Laura Bui and Theresa Pham and we talked about something but I don't remember what I asked them if they had boys and they were all like yes HAHAHAH. I told Laura she was famous.
  • Dance dance something happened Crystal was muzzing I don't remember half the photos we took
  • Feng had really good small talk with the Uber driver whilst I was calling Amy
  • saw FD and Victor making out like twice
  • I tried to make Lianne make out with this white dude

Half the night has been erased from my memory...all the photos were pretty tragic

omg it was actually really fun HAHAH

I added so many people on fb when I was still tipsy

adding all the photos here because im not tagged in them on fb and don't want to find them later
This is so tragic HAHAHAHA
 Best photo of the night


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