Sunday 17 July 2016

get in loser we're going shopping

past two days have been so fun HAHAHA. I drove to so many places that I've never been to before just using the GPS and I felt like I was living life on the edge (wtf Serina you're so lame). I even drove on the motorway by myself and almost killed other people but it was so thrilling.

Yesterday I picked up Feng from Carramar Station and drove her to the new Fairfield Youth Centre because I wanted to see what was in there but the activities aren't free I think (duh I was so stupid) and you have to book to use the courts and stuff.

So we went pokemon hunting around the Fairfield park which was packed with little devilish children. Y so sad jessica
Then we went rock climbing at Sydney Indoor Climbing Gym (Villawood). It was Feng's first time and I think she had an overall positive experience. We were so ceebs tho like we went halfway up walls and did the easiest ones HAHAHA
Jessica like spider-man 
We did the easiest 7m cave because too pussy to do the 40m one lol
We quickly realised we weren't made for the exercising life so we sat down and snapped people
Then we had nuggets and coke floats to replenish our energy lol jk we are just fat lyk dat
Then we just drove around in many circles because we didn't know what to do. We went to a pokestop lure when the sun started to set and it was so dodgy because no one was there. Could've been mugged.

We were feeling spontaneous so we called up Tammy like "gurl are you at home come eat with us" and she was like "omg yah let's go!!!!! jk gotta ask rents first" but they eventually let her so we picked her up...

Then we also picked up Lulu from Cabra HAHAHAHAHAHAHA she was so confused. We screamed across the road "WE'RE GOING SHOPPING". I'm so sorry for the terrible photoshopping Regina George's forehead is not usually that large. 
After struggling to navigate the streets of Canley Heights on a Saturday night, I eventually parked outside my Grandma's house. We had dinner at La Grilla and ordered some seafood pancake, ramen and kbbq. We also order a bottle of soju but I was designated driver (not by choice btw everyone around me was still on their L's) so I didn't drink. 

Then went to What the Fudge across the street and had some deep-fried golden gaytime and waffles.
Went to Cabra BWS/Woolies to pick up some vodka and Sprite for a hectic night.

We hopped to my place and played King's Cup with quarter shots because we didn't want to get smashed. It's actually a pretty fun game and would get you drunk so quickly if you did full shots. Anyway we all got a little tipsy but nothing crazy. It was probably the most Lulu had ever drunk and she was so giggly omfg. Roasted lulu for not inviting us to her bday party. 

Feng and Tammy slept over hehe
Woke up next morning all fresh and went to The Usual Cafe for brek. 
We all ordered this because it said truffle popcorn LOL. They put a lot of effort into their burger construction. They laid the cheese so nicely and there's a pickle in each corner of the burger and a good amount of tomato sauce + mustard. But we agreed that cheeseburgers just all taste like macca's cheeseburgers no matter what you do to it. The truffle popcorn was interesting thought. Like there were lots of little flecks of herbs and stuff so idk if we were tasting truffle or the random herbs.

Feng bought an overpriced avocado shake then we went to the park yey. There were less kids today so we climbed up the rope jungle and went on these tall ass slides. They were so fun omfg. 
Then went to Bankstown to meet up with Amy and we stood at a traffic light for a solid 15 mins trying to decide where to go. Tammy had stuff to do so we dropped her off at the station then went to Ashfield to try the Metro One HSP. Amy saw this parking spot on the side of the road but there were people behind us so I freaked out and gave up on reverse parking HAHAHA.
I ceebs doing an in depth review but service was defs 10/10 HAHAA. They didn't hey brother me but the server wrote down my name and was like "Sabrina the teenage witch" and I was like nah Serena and he was like "ok Serena Williams". Overall like a 7/10? Idk it was too salty for my taste but it's always on top HSP lists so who knows. 

Then dropped Feng off at her house and popped up to Stephen's house. I just showed up without Amy and he said wtf are you doing here HAHAHA. Played with his fat rabbits and his fat doge.  
Then dropped Amy off at her Church and drove on the fucking freeway back home it was so scary omg. I was going 80 because I thought that was the limit for red P's and everyone was overtaking me HAHAHAHA but i didn't care because it was night-time and my first time on the freeway anywayz.

Freeway driving at night is kinda therapeutic but its so easy to drift into someone else's lane if you're not concentrating. 

So yup that was my last two days. Have never driven so much in my life but it was so fun. And also my parking was spot on except for that little boo boo at Ashfield. Now I shall watch a movie. My holiday is over tomorrow because I have to start prepping work for Jimmys fml. 

Side note: I drove with Tania in the passenger seat one time and she was so helpful and giving me advice on how to drive/park etc but deez delinquents today esp Amy and Feng were tickling me and randomly telling me to turn in the wrong direction. Please do you really want to die?

future Feng remember this: you said you wanted to do education two days ago

Also another random thing: you know the donut shaped things you find in playgrounds? apparently this is how you're supposed to play on them:


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