Tuesday 26 July 2016

Sem 2 Day 1

that melbourne lady we met on the tour never sent the beach photos to us............

Woke up way too early to shower and blah blah pretty standard morning.

Got to uni at 10 for COMP1917 lecture and sat with Whansae and Phuc lel. An hour was taken up by just general course overview stuff and the next hour we learn the BARE BARE basics of coding in c? Idk how coding works but it was really easy stuff and I was already forgetting what some of the shortcuts meant after she went through them once.

Went to MMAN1300 (Engineering Mechanics) with Phuc again HAHAHA and Stephen and it was so bloody boring he was just talking about vectors and shit. Ragrats MMAN1300 is physics all over again fml.

met no new people it just felt like sem 1 again.

Sorry just looked in the mirror and wow my hair is so nice today.

Amy is not going to uni the rest of the week...

Met up with Jessica to have Mamak lunch yum yum went to buy some textbooks!! WENT BACK TO HER HOUSE AND HAD A NAP LMAO

and now i am here


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