Sunday 24 July 2016

fucking tutoring fuck

who has been reading my blog i got a mad view spike yesterday
how did my sister do this for 2 years srs respect

when you run outta shit to write in student's reports so you copy and paste then change the names and pronouns lol. If I don't double check them tho there's always at least 1 wrong pronoun like I'll say Tracey needs to improve his .......

In uni you don't have jocks/cheerleaders you have bsoc kids
I think I am actually such a negative person.

I always compare myself to the great teachers I've had in the past and like I WAS NOT MADE FOR THIS LIFE.

I just don't give off that vibe.

Parents leaving me at home again to go dancing -.-.-.-.-.-

jenna marbles is queen

tfw u have no water in your room so you drink leftover lemonade you used as chaser last week.


it is Saturday now and I am freaking out because I have so much to do before tomorrow and last night I woke up at 4:30 and couldn't fall back asleep because I was having too many depressing thoughts about tutoring so I ended up going back to sleep at 7:30 then waking an hour later to go to tutoring.

literally wtf

SOrry for the low quality blog i just cant atm its 2:30am and i need to sleep finally finished reports bye

ok i just checked and a lot of ppl are reading my blog from russia da fuq


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