Sunday 8 October 2017

basketball day // board games


Woke up, picked up Amy Lim from Bonnyrigg then went to Fairfield Youth Centre to watch UTS' basketball day. Didn't play because I don't know how to play basketball but it was fun cheering on UNSW's useless team. They lost the first game 50-2.... Selz got hit in the face by a basketball and we trapped Joanne with the bubble soccer goal. Drove to Coco for some milk tea. TARA MILK TEA WITH LYCHEE JELLY IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YUM.
After they finished playing we went to Granville El Jannahs for some lunch/dinner. Was kinda awks because I was sitting next to Jo and Khang and they have so many inside jokes. Everytime they exchanged a LOOK I was just like
Went home, caught up on some internetting and took a 5 min nap until Phuc called me and was like WHAT ARE WE DOING and we couldn't play tennis anymore because it was too late to book so we decided on board games. Called Selz to drag her ass to my house and Andy as well. IT WAS SO FUN!! We played Exploding Kittens, Catan and Monopoly even though they brought heaps more. All 6 of us (Andy, Selz, Amy, Phuc and I) had to cram into my tiny af room cus my sister didn't let us use the living room. Played for a solid 4 hours so I think they all had back pain by the end of it. Sad because I know next year after our committee disbands we're not going to hang out as much as anymore.
Monopoly was the best cus towards the end we all stopped following the rules like we had a laughing fit when we realised Selina had been playing wrong and she had scammed me $180 before ffs also she stole all the free parking money when she rolled the dice at the wrong time. 

My parents came home at 1 am and my friends said they were party animals


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