Wednesday 25 October 2017

T_T // banh miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


Phuc drove me to uni and he parked soooooooooooooooooooo far away that we contemplated riding the O-Bikes back to uni (happened with Stephen and Amy once lmao) but turns out you have to pay a $68 deposit in case something happens to the bike under your care?? Phuc didn't want to pay it but I was kinda salty so I kept pointing at O-bikes that we passed on the way being like 
"I choose you."

Studied really shitly for the last of my MMAN block tests. I didn't get up to the last of my 3 tutes. I mean I tried. But I just didn't try enough. I've worked out if I want to get a HD in MMAN I have to get 92 in my final.
Was studying in Matsci with Niina, Phuc and some of Niina's friends. It was chill until Jing walked in cus I just get so triggered everytime I see him. tbt to Oktoberfest which was one year ago and the best uni party I ever went to. I WAS JUST SO ECSTATIC THE WHOLE TIME but cancel out what happened with Jing and Joyce but everything else was just top notch. 
I keep buying the fast food from IGA. The chicken chunks are so yummy though and only $3.45 WHICH IS INCREDIBLY WORTH CUS ITS A WHOLE CARTON OF PRETTY DECENTLY FLAVOURED CHICKEN. Also got malay milk tea from mamak whilst niina got scammed at Share Tea. hehe she gave me a lucky rubber before my exam so that I would do well but it didn't work because I still did shit.
Phuc drove Precious and I home. Got a chicken and cheese on the way back. 


went to uni for LAST food event of the year. No more shitty promos from me forever :D Got to uni and just sat and chilled under the trees near commerce courtyard for a little bit. Felt like a fam for a few mins just joking around and arguing about who would go get the tables from arc. At the beginning of the year we would've all sucked up and been like yah I'll do it then regretted it inside as we slowly got crushed by the 3000 kg tables. 

Amy Lim bought another Princess Kinder Surprise Egg and smh Jo's addiction was triggered again. "IF I PASS MY L'S WILL YOU LET ME GET THE WHOLE COLLECTION???". 
The event was pretty dead so I was helping her with her Ls test and damn everything seems so common sense now.  Lulu visited FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS YEAR. She declined my pork roll offer even though I was doing her a solid since she's not even a member but NO bish decides to get hungry like an 5 mins AFTER we run out??
Then went to Matsci to try to find a room to study but it was sooooooo full. Saw Lizzie and dropped off her hoodie and her brother's shoes that she left at my house HAHAHA . such tiny feet. Went to a lecture room with Dals, Selz, Amy Lim and Phuc. We didn't do much study at all cus we were creeping on everyone's twitter. LOVE JOANNE'S HAHAH she's so funny and candid. Vivian's was so spicy and as we were scrolling we were like OH RIGHT this was the James period or nah this was after James but before Jono. Selz is a meme GOLDMINE just like how she's a meme XDXDXDDDDDXXXXXX

We also did the Myers-briggs personality test!!! I got ISFP??? I remember the two other times I did it back in HS, I got INTP then ISTJ so really the only constant in my personality is my introversion. Idk my personality is just odd.
dropped off money box with Andy and then Dalz dropped us home. Im so tired I should probs sleepepepepe.  Did some arc shit today but really nothing productive except for the one lecture I watched gg da bois.

Watched lots of Rose and Rosie videos, Amy and Stephen are flaking on me for Fright Night, FENG HAS GOT MY KNOCKOUT TICKETS, mechatronics is due on friday XD I'm trying to not leave it last minute but here I am blogging, you know how it is hehe.


A coming of age movie directed by Greta Gerwig starring Saoirse Ronan given a 4.5 star rating by Willa? 
Plus what a lovely movie poster.


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