Wednesday 11 October 2017

*checks pulse*


Stephen drove Amy and I to uni because I had a WIE meeting at 8am but I ended up being late anyway. He parked really far from uni and we seriously considered setting up O-Bike on our phones so we could ride them instead of walk to uni. Anyway, WIE meeting was pretty boring but lol Riya is actually a lil crazy she's giving us deadlines for trivial stuff.

Then interviewed people with Naomi for WIESoc PR Director. I was constantly reflecting on how funny it was that at this time last year I was the one being interviewed and NOW LOOK AT ME. I'm still a sham but now I'm sitting on the opposite side of the table so I think people naturally assume I know what I'm doing. Conducting interviews makes me realise that its really a combination of what you say and how you present yourself that gets you the job. Like yes its really important what your answers are but its also important that when you answer the question you seem genuine and honest.

OMG THEN I INTERVIEWED PHUC L M A O WHEN THE OTHER INTERVIEWEE WAS SPEAKING I WAS LOOKING AT HIM AND I WAS TRYING SO HARD NOT TO CRACK UP CUS HE WAS SO NERVOUS. His answer for the "how does Wiesoc's vision align with your own" was so so so bad and I was taking notes for it trying not to have a look on my face but it was too funny like he started listing all the female engineers he knew and saying how he wanted to "support them"? 
Also like that time one of the boys were talking about how his girlfriend was still a virgin and phuc was like "yeah because she respects herself" and then all the girls turned around like 
Studied for MMAN test which I literally could've failed or gotten 100% in I have no clue. I was confused about everything cus I had so little working out for 10 mark questions.

Since Phuc was so last minute with his planning for his event, Andy, Viv, Precious and I had to go Woolies with him to buy ingredients and prepare shit at 9pm. It was fun though! Viv was so shit at grating carrots. Legit I grated 4 in the time she did 1. 


Got to uni for more PR and Events interviews. Goddamn there was this one fake af girl uhhhhh so annoying and kept talking over everyone else PLEASE.

Then rushed out halfway through an interview because I thought VSA was having a crisis (very low on manpower they said!!) but then I got to Sam Cracknell and I see Phuc and Jo leisuring cutting the Costco buns open, Selina's glasses getting steamed up from the BBQ and Debbie just strolling around setting up random things. Anyway, event today was pretty chill lol what a fucking obscure location. 
Went to Burwood Westfield to support Ellene as she got her tragus pierced and had a quick KFC/Maccas meal. Then went on another bingsoo run to Strathfield where Selina fucked up and ordered "fruit bingsoo". Don't do it... its soooooooooooo chat compared to melon. 
Seriously considering if I should also run for VSA Arc Delegate now. I gotta write a speech and answer questions though like do I really wanna do this without a guarantee that I'm gonna get it? Only competition atm is Phuc and I told him I'd only run if he wasn't running because I'm lazy and want an excuse to not do it. So I'm legit just waiting on him to decide but I still might have to write a speech for Thursday in case. TBH though I haven't shown ANY interest in it until the last week or so and idk if the current execs like that?? Cus it seems like I don't really want it that badly.

Unrelated but
Legit though what is my timetable......... 29 hours G O O D B Y E. I'm probably going to end up going to like 10 of them so it hopefully I'll be fine. 

Jeeeeeez Star Wars always makes really good trailers :O I'm excited!!


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