Sunday 22 October 2017

you just got LITT up

Had a crazy past two days. As I said at the end of my last post, I went out again on Friday night because I was feeling the fomo real bad cus flaked on engo friendos... Met up wtih FD And Feng who's asses I had not set my eyes upon in a very long time. We had some yumm0 $10 Ippudo. Then took a bus to Town Hall and saw Andy and them at Kobow. They were just getting up to leave but we all walked to Sanct anyway. It was pree chill but lil did I know it was the beginning of a very stressful night. Had many long islands at Sanct until we were like YOLOOOOOOOOOOO and went to Newton with Niina and Miriam. L M A O I can literally pinpoint the moment my heart? went kaboom that night lemme just
LMAO let me be a drama queen im sozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz will never forget that feel THAT FEEL when its like 
I FUCKEN HATE MYSELF lmao what I said to Amy and Stephen on the ride home as well ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffsssssssssssssssssssssssssssss still stand by it im a lonely teen desperate for some u h h h ? shouldn't validate these feels because are they even feels but yenno I'm a dumbass. me after two long islands:
Then we went to some fast food place to eat drunk food. I don't remember where we went at all lmao but they had mozarella sticks and it was so fun... what happened who knows

Then we picked up Lizzie for a lil sleepover at Amy's house . So cooked apparently I snapped a video of feng and sent it to Selina and I was like "THIS BITCH IS SHOUTING ME HALF A KNOCKOUT TICKET AND A CAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

then this morning selz messaged me and was like SEE U AT KNOCKOUT and I actually had 0 recollection of snapping her at all so i was like YOU LIE I DIDN'T SNAP U AT ALL and she was like YEAH YOU DID and I was like SO WHAT DID I SNAP U THEN and she was like COME TONIGHT AND I'LL TELL U 
i'm so ashamed I cant believe I snapped that. I swear I was not even that drunk last night.

Left Amy's house with lizzie at around 3:30. Met up with Stephen to get my wallet that I left in his car the night before and we got some Hot Star chicken bites and curly fries. Was doing my BIOM assignment dodgily every chance I got but I legit put so little effort into it... Trained back to my house to say hi to my parents with ze filipino in tow like hello your daughter exists sorry for going out last night but uh she kinda needs to go out again tonight
mum was so chill she was basically like ok go. lizzie used my foundation as concealer and put one of my shirts on and then huzza we left to go city again. She met Brenda and Niina at Star Bar whilst I went to O Bal Tan for a wholesome korean dinner with VSA. Then went to Kobow to say hi to the birthday boy Evan. Then went Sanct for 2.5 long islands. Was buzzed but not too bad just a lil rowdier than normal. 

SAW CONNIE AND DAT GIRL WAS SO LIT SHE WAS LIKE TO ALL MY VSA FRIENDS OMFG ITS YOU [INSERT NAME] I KNOW YOU FROM HER BLOG!! and most of VSA don't know about this blog so I was just dying "i don't know who she is" and dragging her lit ass back to her table to get chips. saw tina so many times during the night
Then halfway through Sanct Khang and stuff were like ... BINGSOO RUN?!??!?!?! and the wholesome PRs + amy were all like fuck yeasssss CUE another drunk train ride. I was pretty lit and Viv and I were having so much fun calling out Joanne and Selz. s s s s snakesssssssss. Alan also came for his first bingsoo run with the bingsoo CREW XDDDDDDD poor boy lives in peakhurst where dat no one knows.

tried mango AND coffee for the frist time wow what a week for firsts. mango was soooooo good but now I feel so glugluglugluglu. I died I had the best and worst "word poop" of my life honestly Idk how to feel It was so easy i fucking want to die not being able to talk about it. home now.

If you made it this far congratulations you just lost a couple brain cells hope u r proud 
unrelated but I can't believe she went to a HAIM concert... with Joaquin...



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