Friday 13 October 2017

"There are things I've done that nobody knows"

Tutored my private kid yesterday, didn't do much work at all HAHAHA. Stayed up till like 4:30am talking to BetBet! 

Had a WIESoc BBQ today. It was quite uneventful until some people from AHEGs randomly popped up to film an interview with the ENGSOC president and they asked us to be in the video too but just as like extras l m a o so we had to sit and pretend to be having a conversation with him. Cringggggeeee. Also Arc confirmed that our WIESoc AGM wasn't valid because the previous exec team didn't send an official notice out.
I'm just over it lmao the old arc delegate really fucked us up....

Anyway, after that we just hung out at matsci. Everyone was helping each other prep for AGM and the atmosphere was just really really excited/nervous.

VSA AGM was soooooooooooo long because question times for each position took 20-30 mins. Was yawning so much. There were legit no surprises at all tho. MY stance was that I'd run for Arc Delegate if no one was going to do it but Alan started writing his speech like an hour beforehand so from then on I was like nope. What a lovely team though :))))))))
Received an email from Arc saying we had to hold another AGM for WIESoc and freaked but then stopped freaking after talking to Riya. 

Went to stratty for red pepper dinz with most of the people who went to AGM and when I walked in fuck i saw ADC's face in its full glory on one of the TV screens. Was sitting next to Peter Vu, Nat Dam and Dalena so I didn't really know what to talk about but luckily Phuc was there so it was not too bad. Phuc drove us Westies home and I conked out immediately. So tired. 

My time with VSA is officially over (except for the retreat we have planned for the end of the year). I feel sad but also I've realised that nothing will cure my social awkwardness so maybe I should just stop trying. 
I'm just 100% done with my self ALL THE TIME I'm so full of shit

I cant believe I read that entire 8000 word article. I feel like this is the first real "exposee" that I've been interested in like it's probably going to be made into a movie one day because these events are so dramatic. There were plots to bury this story years ago. 

So much drama because people lots of celebrities are speaking up and condemning his actions but then they're still working with known sexual abusers. But at the same time I feel like there is way too much pressure on male celebrities to speak out?? Even if they have nothing substantial to add they still need to release a statement to not look like douchebags which is kinda funny. 

Some tweets I found funny/interesting
Update: Lea Seydoux also came out and shared her story l m a o what a shitshow has he tried to fuck every female in Hollywood.


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