Sunday 15 October 2017

drunk serena is more affectionate

Me @ the girl writing my last post


Lizzie and I met up at Central and went to uni after she had a big shit. We had WIE director training day and I'm not even a director but Riya wanted the whole exec team to be there anyway. I still don't know why?? We were taking our time buying IGA food but turns out they were already at Whitehouse about to order food. Learnt our lesson and actually took a candid picture with the banner this time!!
Did nothing much whilst they were finishing off the training day. I just opened lots of tabs to do with Arc stuff and realised how many documents were missing and couldn't really put through any grants anyway SO I wasted a lotta time. 

Then went to Caffe Tiamo to study with Lizzie and Niina. We did a little bit of work but it got too cold so we had an early dinner at Jumak. Ordered army hot pot and spring onion pancake which was super yumm0. Slowly lost the ability to taste the hotpot though because we got really drunk HAHAHA. 
They started getting very mushy (wasn't drunk enough to forget that LMAO) but it got really sad for a little bit but then everyone was happy again and then they made me admit how beautiful I was which made me laff. I'm a shy asian girl who refuses to take any compliments thrown at me. 

Somehow ended up at the alleyway having a good ol time sipping on our fat lambs and singing some HSM. There was a lotta affection and head kissing HAHHAHAHAHA. TEHN FUCKIN HELL outta nowhere coincidentally a gang of asians comes up the alleyway stairs and its Selina with some UTS VSA people and we were so trashed I could full see the judgement in their faces. Pretty sure I met some people but I dont rmbr who they were.....

Then teleported to Sanct and we didn't know what to do because we were just so drunk. Made fools of ourselves some more then decided to go home and for some reason I thought going to Lizzie's house would be more convenient for me than going back to my own home?? We left sanct and she faceplanted outside on the road because I'm pretty sure she tripped over the little curb separating the bike lanes from the rest of the road. Then we got to Town Hall and she faceplanted again on the stairs and her knee was bleeding pretty bad. PEOPLE WERE STARING FROM EVERY DIRECTION FFS. 
On the train trip back to Normanhurst we fell asleep but I also remember cleaning her knee with water and tissue then chucking the bloody tissue on the train floor
In retrospect I prolly shouldn't have done that.

Anyway, walked back to her house and pretended to be sober in front of her fam. 


Her mum woke us up this morning and gave us some vitamin liquid stuff idk it seemed healthy and pretty sure I gained a few days of life after drinking it. Chilled in her room a little bit and met her  brothers properly!! They're so cute and hyperactive. I want a cute younger sibling :( 

Had breakfast with her fam and they're all so nice and just so diff to my parents???? Thank you for letting this homeless chinese girl crash your house for a day

Lizzie drove me the 200m to the station in her fat af car and LMAO LOOK AT MY TRAIN TRIP WTF


my year 9 kids
I started watching The 100 again and I literally can't my heart hurts too much - "I loved her, mom" PLEASE STOP Clarke's grief comes off like damage control. The showrunners realised they fucked up after 3x13 and are trying to milk the Clexa storyline some more.

ummmm wtf I screenshotted that comment cus I thought it was funny but then I clicked her profile and she has legit problems. 


The Big Sick (2017)

Dir. Michael Showalter
I HAVE WANTED TO WATCH THIS MOVIE FOR SO LONG AND I FINALLY DID IT!! I was watching this on my hectic train trip back from Lizzie's house and was holding my laptop hopping on and off trains trying not to laugh. The jokes were so funny. I loved it :) It was so fluffy but also realistic and my heart is warmed on this freezing spring day.

I would say watch the trailer but I think it spoils a couple of things. It's a rom-com about an interracial couple and like all the difficulties that that puts on their family life? JUST WATCH IT. I LOVE ROMANCE MOVIES F M L 

Blade Runner (1982)

Dir. Ridley Scott
this is beyond accurate


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