Tuesday 17 October 2017

love today

me cus I finally have a class in Wallace Wurth next sem
((I think about this video at least once every 2 months))
Handed in my MMAN lab report just then!! I could've finished it hours ago but I was procrastinating a lot. I think I put a lot of effort into it this time but probs still gonna get shit. 

Rocked up to uni at 8am for another WIE meeting and was greeted by a sleep deprived meatball holding a large coffee. We were ~ 7 mins late and I s2g riya was death staring me cus I was holding the coffee EVEN THOUGH we would've been late even if I didn't ask Lizzie to buy it. Meeting was boring a f. 

Afterwards, we went to lvl 2 Ainsworth to study and I was working on the lab report with Riya who surprisingly is very last minute but she just has so much shit on she has to be last minute?? But whatever she save mi life cus she has so many friends in the above grade who send her shit. 

Met Phuc at Matsci, enrolled for next sem and dropped in to see Brenda + Andy. 
Had to leave uni pree early to get to homework help class (which I still hate btw there have been no developments there). I felt sad today cus I was in the lobby area talking to the tutors and I can tell they love what they do so much and I kinda wish I had that. That would solve my financial situation right about now CUS FUCK Jimmy pays so well.

Anyway, now I'm sat here its 12:16 am I'm tired and sleep deprived. I need a job. oh also this morning when I saw Sophie Tuner post the picture with her hand and the engagement ring I thought it was a joke but its not a joke at all and its weird cus she a year older than us but yolo hope this young love lasts.


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