Tuesday 3 October 2017

Spending all my fucking pay.

no debbie elomar I will not accept your invitation to play candy crush. I'm trying not to blog as much about vsa/wie/uni cus its so boring tbh but nothing else is happening in my life.

I was reading my old posts and I realised how unfiltered I was but in a very different way. I didn't smash the keys as much and talked about the most mundane shit I did during the day like what cakes I bought and what Youtube videos I watched. I feel like I've ignored what this blog was supposed to be when I first started it. It was a space where I could feel safe enough to just poop my mind out but ehhhh you know I get worried about how people perceive me.

Remember when I used to have those really really randomly dark blog posts - mostly triggered by how miserable tutoring made me. I'd come home being like kill me before I have to go to my next class. Those were some good times.

Maybe cus I choose to exclusively watch romance movies after 12 pm. Catch me moving in as your cranky cat lady neighbour in about 30 years cus no one's gonna love me. Probs not even my family cus I've been so bitchy to them lately. tbh not even sure cats will love me. AHAHAH me reflecting on all the people I've ever liked in my life and realising they are all basically the same person and wondering if it was all an illusion. Did I actually like them or are they just people that EVERYONE likes. I like people that I aspire to be like which makes me even more sad. 


Almost cried watching Macklemore's One Love performance at the NRL Grand Final. Such a passionate human bean.
Was catching up on weeks of MMAN2300 when I get up to like week 9 and then found out the block test is only on the topics from week 7 and 8. So basically, I have already finished studying for my exam which is in one weeks time??? This only happened because I was doing MMAN to procrastinate from MTRN ... I CAN'T DO COMPUTING.


Studied a lil bit, went to Amy's house. Sad cus Maccas Monopoly refuses to let Kevin, Amy and I win anything.

Had a long af WIE skype meeting in Amy's room and she kept turning the lights on and off when I was mid sentence and I had to poker face it.
The most awkward thing happened when Riya, our president, was like "oh who wants to project head director's training day" and NO ONE SAID ANYTHING and then she was like "how bout one of uhh Serena, Lucy, Lizzie??" and STILL NO ONE SAID ANYTHING cus bitch I don't want the extra work but then I finally broke the silence like "what does that involve...?" and whilst Riya was explaining, I messaged Lizzie being like HELP ME then FINALLY SINCE NO ONE WAS FUCKING SAYING ANYTHING Lizzie and I volunteered. OMFG I DON'T WANT IT.

Ate some udon, made some hype posts. Amy is stressing about her optom assignment. Its 3am fam sorry for such a shit post.

I've been obsessed with watching celebrities surprise their fans videos on Youtube recently.


The struggle to get arc funding is so real had to do some photoshopping to get the arc banner in our lunch photo
TURNS OUT Arc won't even accept the photo if its not "candid" so we might not be able to use the photoshopped one. THEY ALSO NEED PROOF OF PROMOTION AND THAT MEANS I NEED TO MAKE A COVER PHOTO FOR THE IMAGINARY EVENT IM JUST SO DONE.


31/9/17 - 1500 followerz
I had just finished dinner and didn't want to wash the dishes cus my parents were still eating. So to procrastinate from getting up from the table, I grab my phone and casually scroll scroll scroll whilst eating some grapes then this shit pops up I'm so shooketh I FUCKING GRAB THE BASKET OF GRAPES AND RUN INTO THE GARAGE YELLING OMG OMG OMGGGGGGGGG
AND THE VIDEO OF ROONS ASKING CATE'S SON HOW OLD HE IS OMG IM DEDDEDDD I love carol too fucking much for this to spring on me at 9 pm when I should be doing my MTRN assignment. 


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