Friday 20 October 2017

I'm hooked on all these

Brand new me I'm no longer going to bitching about people on this blog because I need to be a better person but also because I'm scared they'll read my blog.
just listened to Gorgeous and it made me feel so little. 
homemade memes from a unpaid teen XDDDDDDD

this post has a lot of anecdotes so I'm v sorry it may bore you :(

yesterday after I posted my blog post, I continued to spend 5 hours doing nothing at matsci. I TRIED I REALLY DID but the motivation was just not there. Didn't help that Andy was doing nothing as well. We went down to buy IGA food and ran into Amy Lim who was so stressed she didn't realise she spilt coffee all down her shirt. Bought IGA food and pasta to deliver to Paul/Precious then ate our country fried chickennn... and did more nothing.

Had fun though lol Joanne came back up with a Kinder Surprise egg and I've never seen anyone so genuinely excited over a kinder toy. "THEY TWIRL THOUGH!!!!" Dani suggested we go watch their oztag game later tonight and we were all free so we decided why not??? At 6 we left uni and I baited Jo, Andy and Amy Lim into taking the train to my house and when we got to Bankstown Joanne joking said "home time!" (cus she gets off at Banks) and I turned around with the biggest glare on my face and a giant rude finger and said NO. I drove them to Cabra where we got Coco and Hot Star and ate in the car. So surreal. Kept saying how next year the new execs would forget about us grr. 

OMG HAHAH ALSO when Andy and I were buying the Coco, Joanne and Amy said they were going to go to Hot Star to buy chips but then when we got there... they weren't there so I called Joanne and she was like "I can't tell you where I am" and I was like "why not" and she's like "I don't want to get in trouble" and I was like "ARE YOU BUYING ANOTHER KINDER SURPRISE EGG" and she was like "NO BUT IM BUYING SOMETHING ELSE AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME". figured they were at miniso and when we got there joanne was spending her money on a lil bear plushy ffs.

Then we listened to Amy Lim's hardstyle playlist on the way to Oztag and I really felt like we were gonna get pulled over because the music was sooooooo loud and I was using one hand to steer and the other to wave my strobe light from my charger around whilst Andy was forcing the poor plushie bear to dance for us on the windscreen but Amy Lim was also snapchatting and I was waiting for people to tell me when to turn.

Andy's idea of wingmanning is soooooooooooooooooo funny I CANNOT we got to the Oztag field and he was like "[some inappropriate comment]" and I was like "is that what guys actually say" and he was like "no" so then I was like WHY THEN
you know what that's a waste of a gif that is better used to describe this:
but Andy is a good friendo TRYING HIS BEST to make me feel not so awkward/sad

Then went to Strathfield for bingsoo again. The first time I've been there without the "cute" waiter working. We got a bit of fried chicken beforehand from this lil shop outside Strathfield plaza that was sups yummy. We ate it so quickly then left because I wanted to drive Andy halfway home but to that we needed to make the 11:55 train at FFLD.

I have never felt so urgent driving in my life. I had phuc next to me counting down the minutes like "uhh from this street its usually another 6 minutes to the station but the train comes in 5" and I'd be like FOOT TO THE PEDAL VROOM VROOM getting ready to speed as soon as the traffic light turned green. 

If andy missed the train he would've had to wait another half another so
BUT fuck we made it and as we pulled into ffld station, the train was pulling up HAHAHA. 10/10 driving!!! dropped phuc and amy off then went home. felt #3 fleeting happiness quickly replaced by #1 akon-lonely because driving home by myself is sad but then i got home and it was #3 again.  

legitimately had such a fun day but I got so fat cus my entire day of food was made up of milk (frozen, condensed and also ice cream form) and fried chicken. I DIDNT HAVE A SINGLE FRUIT/VEGETABLE. now IT IS FRIDAY, I have done no work the entire day and for some reason am heading out again wtf is wrong with me :(


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