Tuesday 10 April 2018

children's day / mondays :(


I see cat videos on my facebook feed and I'm just like ouch to myself I wonder if y'alls are mentally ouching when you about to tag me in cat videos then you remember that I no longer have a cat or does no one care enough to think about me
Trekked to Circular Quay to help out with Children's Day. It was so hot and kinda boring. The only people I was comfortable hanging with were Amy and Carmen. BUT I MET YEN (Selina's friend and new UNSW PR) AND SHE SO CHILL. We had to just flap the fucken parachute and blow bubbles for like 2 hours. I left early though because ceebs and also had to go tutor Lily. 

depressed cus i checked my mman mark and i got 6.5/12 and spiralled into something I would liken to stress


Went on a run around Carramar for the first time today. It was like 6:30 am so I was kinda scared of getting shanked but hey I didn't get shanked! I only ran about 2 km because the route I took was so short but yeah it was chill and nice I guess. Took a break around Christine Ma's house (this is for my own reference btw) so woohoo maybe I do better tomorrow. I'll try to extend the route. But I want my sister to run with me!!! 

Went to anat lecture, mman tute (learnt things kinda), Whitehouse for lunch with my fav (half) white person who I had not seen in 3 days because of camp and also Anthony was there too. Idk so weird not being able to be weird. Then library, a tiny bit of study. Met this guy from the new VSA committee cus Phuc was studying with them and I already forgot his name :'( I think it was was Steven or Justin or something asian IDK but he knew I was marketing director which made me feel important XD

Had a last minute thing for ANAT due that i didn't know about so quickly did that, then went to ANAT lab which was revision for spot test next week. IT WAS SUPER FUN HAHHAHA my group was so fucking funny. love them. 

don't know any of their names but

we were so squeamish handling the reproductive system though and this guy so so so funny like pointed at the clit and was like "is that where the pee comes out"

then went back to study and was half productive. Had WIE meeting which went on for so fkn long and ahhh it was kinda satisfying because we were talking a lot more about team dynamic things instead of just the standard like events/pr stuff. 

went back to lib to study until 10 then bussed to central with "golden" lizzie WHO HAS SHORT HAIR NOW OMFGGGG looks so good

Now on the train 


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