Monday 2 April 2018

games night


GAMES NIGHT WAS SO LITTTTT ahhhh it was so funny seeing all the people in wiesoc shirts playing just dance like fk it was so funny and wholesome. aish why didn't i blog about it yesterday

Phuc drove Dalena and I to uni. Got there at 9 and I went to Whitehouse with Phuc to eavesdrop on their events subcom meeting. Got some pancakes and coffee whilst I was waiting. Then some of Niina's subcom and I went to Arc to start prepping for board games night. I got to know Nadeesha and Yiyi a little better. THEY ARE BOTH SO FKN COOL OMG. I love yiyi so much she's so funny and chill. LIKE you ever seen someone so chill ur like instantly relaxed when you're around them? Well thats Yiyi. She whipped when she told me she couldn't do boxing cus she had tafe that day. and then Nadeesha is just so extroverted and funny IDK their subcomm is an actual dream.

ANYWAY, they printed out all the stuff they needed and we had a "sweetshop" like sweatshop but we made lolly bags instead. They were my idea XD and idk they turned out sosososo well heheheh. It was so chill and fun omfg I WANNA BE IN EVENTS NOW. Mirette also joined us and she's this Egyptian hippie goddess i don't even know lol her hair is so fluffy but she's kinda intimidating. After we finished prepping, we skipped our BESS meeting and instead opted to study at Arc. By study I mean do nothing. I freaked out cus it was 12 pm and cocktail night tickets were supposed to be on sale but I forgot to put the links up so lol the only people buying were Viv's friends cus she gave them the link beforehand. I panicked so hard and quickly updated event description then relaxed cus the tickets still ended up selling out relatively quickly.

Niina and I left for Penny Lane, had an iced coffee then bought naan. I delivered her to her enactus meeting and then I took a phat nap. Went to my ANAT tute to find out it wasn't even on, then I went down to meet Selina and Jo who were working on their group assignment. Fucking hell bantering with Selina gives me a headache cus she's just so witty i don't understand how and why. I think she told Joanne about my Mardi Gras escapades and so Jo was trying to get me to tell her about it but I was hiding behind the monopoly deal rules so Selina offered me this chocolate bunny and was like "she only likes white chocolate" and I didn't get the joke and then it hit me and like wow she really did that. we sighed about amy lim's cluelessness sometimes even after I dropped the answer to that test question.

Met up with Phuc then we went to collect the board games from his car and go on a quick maccas run.

Games Night 2018

Helped set up and it was so fun and communal. Everyone was helping out and moving tables/chairs UGH so so so wholesome I LOVE WHEN THERES TEAMWORK. Yiyi and I kept dabbing at each other. 

I was on sign ups, attendance and membership check ups at the beginning and for once i didn't have to fake excitement. Like i was so happy that people showed up. Gave them a lolly bag as well. 
Spent first half just walking around and helping where i could but then second half I was forced to do exploding kittens and actually teach randoms how to play. It was surprisingly fun. Like with the second group they were all a lot more extroverted and rowdy so they were full snaking one another and yearh I didn't wanna leave and the only time i did was to watch all the wiesoc people dancing. It was actually so amazing how all of them were wearing the blue wiesoc shirt and dancing in sync.

look at this phat dab
We gave out the prizes and shit and the girl who came first didnt even go to unsw so viv was lowkey mad at me for letting her in but like i didn't turn away anyone so idk :(

Phuc droves us all home after maccas run and it was nice. 


Woke up late for once!! like 9:30 am HAHAHA. We had a massive easter breakfast with all the asians in the townhouse + some other people . I was not in the mood this mornign to socialise and everyone was being so fkn loud but i ate lots of food. Showered then drove to tutor lily.

For some reason, my parents let me drive again? so i drove to uni HAHAH chilled with Niina and Teebana at the lib, did a bit of project work and cried because still have so much to do. Drove back to Niina's house because apparently Lini has to be fed at exactly 5 pm. Housewife made me some dinner then we walked to watch Love, Simon. FML still as good as first time. LIKE ITS SUCH A GUILTY PLEASURE MOVIE ITS REALLY NOT THAT GREAT BUT HNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGG.

Went back to Niina's house and we were both too lazy to study so I forced her to watch San Junipero (keeping with the theme of the day XD) and she disagreed so hard with the ending. Most people jsut be like awwwww they r so cute but she was upset over how she could just betray her family like that.

WE DICKED AROUND FOR LEGIT 2 HOURS AFTER THAT taking snapchats idk how and had a phat dnm and it was just so wholesome. We both agreed that our lives were just so boring compared to everyone elses.
now i am home and ready to sleep. driving gives u so much freedom aish. 


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