Wednesday 18 April 2018

why don't you speak it out loud

hello hi hello hi it me serena. T-1 days until I'm free and its only a 30% mman test tomorrow so I am not stressed at all ha. currently in library idk what to say because my life is super boring atm like I'm happy and tired but also its just super boring.

Studying at lib everyday is actually so fun with yeet yeet and niina omfg just i feel so old

WE GOT OREO BACK WOOPEE because her owners don't want her i haven't even seen her cus been at uni for like 10 days. ANYWAY im keen to see her tonight. IDK WHY IM GOING COCKTAIL NIGHT TONIGHT FML. 

losing so much hair. when i re-tied my bun today, 6 strands just came out i didn't even pull them out

My Hell Week Summary

ELEC mid sem (10%) - ehhh it was ok
ANAT spot test (17.5%) - super easy and studied way too much for it but did stupid mistakes
PHSL midsem (30%) - also super easy but think I studied a good amount for it

Submitted two grants, did some shitty ball marketing.

this is so good

happy birthday to first potato i became friends with XD


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