Thursday 26 April 2018

its time for a list


Stephen and I had a nightmare of a lab today lol the circuit was so fked and we did most things properly but we forgot little things like connecting the control to ground through a resistor and it basically took us so much longer than it should've
Niina walked Lini to uni then found me and we walked back to her house. Tried to organise our timetables before her mum had a phone emergency and Niina had to go save her so I walked back to uni, napped a bit, met up with Lizzie and had a coffee + sweet potato fries at Penny Lane then crawled our way to the SLA meeting. My first SLA meeting and I didn't know what to expect but it was super chill. Lizzie and I had to promote Q&A Panel but like idk I didn't know what my brain was doing and I didn't say half the things I was supposed to say but Lizzie rescued me.

Amy's netball team was missing like 4 people today so they needed another player and I was free so I played for them. We lost 33-3. Quite sad. Met Amelia today though and we had to talk to each other the whole trip back but she's so nice and cool!!!!!!! We both were like yup added each other on facebook like in year 7 but only actually met today.

I am listening to sam smith instead of halsey and sighs he's so sad

I watched up to season 9 of Grey's Anatomy and soon thats going to be less than half the entire show. They renewed it for season 15?!?!?!


Feeling betrayed over the smallest things l o  o o  o o ooo o oo o oo l I'm a weak bitch but whatever this right here is a piece of shit human being
Oh its you I know, you're the one I dream of. Look into my eyes, take me to the clouds above. Oh I lose control. Can't seem to get enough. When I wake from dreaming, tell me is it really love.
Whitney Houston really did that

I took a 4 hour nap instead of doing any of my work then slept really late because I wasn't tired ha ha


Now at Whitehouse eating some scrambled eggs and pretending to be part of the events team what new xD

Songs I am most excited for tonight @ Halsey:
  1. Hold Me Down
  2. Bad at Love
  3. Young God


Haven't had a movie stuff section in forever because I haven't really been watching movies. I've only watched What We Do In The Shadows recently (the weird Taika Waititi vampire movie) and it was so funny. His humour just works.

Also Disobedience.... um ........ DISOBEDIENCE?!?! HELLO. My body is shaking!!!! This is the Carol of 2018 like fk me ded RACHEL WEISZ AND RACHEL MCADAMS MY SOUL WILL LEAVE MY BODY

some people in the world are just like THERE THEY ARE there you are just like hi there you really exist

y'alls ever just sit at home contemplating how badly you want to feel something like doesn't have to be anything specific you just want to feel some kind of emotion

ow toe cramp shit me why do i always get them in my big toe someone explain

I really should've gone to the library today aye


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