Tuesday 24 April 2018

hair too long

when you hesitate just before you're about to say something super mean then say it anyway
anyway, chill few days. did nothing major on the weekend. today was quite sad hahah I went to my classes with a couple of breaks in between and L M A O Jason Sumo takes every opportunity to talk about Jasmine they are actually so cute and he's so in love XD. he chose his pink pencilcase because of her, he chooses his subjects based on what she's doing, he's spending more money because he needs to buy things for her. jason will be missed. 
I got pancakes from CSE Revue with other Jason today?!?! chill dude / 10. Also KIRA is PRESIDENT of CSE Revue now wowzers. 
We are doing nervous system in ANAT now. its so interesting learning about how our bodies send/receive information. Science is so fun. Fkn mechanics is doing my head in. 

also my dad is actually more tolerable towards the cat than my mum. she doesnt let oreo upstairs or into our beds HOW RUDE.

Made a video for WIE because I was bored and wanted to do something fun. The actual editing took 0 time at all it was just the stop motion that was a tad time consuming. Overall though nothing catastrophic went wrong which is unusual because I always get shit luck when rendering. Showed the exec team during our meeting (FINALLY HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY HAHAHHA)  and they liked it which made me happy. I didn't watch any of their actual reactions because I was too anxious but ye afterwards Riya looked really happy. VALIDATE ME. my worth is what others reflect back to me HAHAHHA yes the frail self confidence! 
Saw Lianus as well today!! She spent more than 3 minutes with me today probably because her yellow shirts and Fletcher were busy like W O W. After WIE meeting Lianne, Lizzie, Yiyi and I all walked down to the park together because both Yiyi and Lianne happened to park really close to each other. Yeet yeet drove me home and didn't kill me which is always disappointing. 


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