Sunday 29 April 2018


fletcher!!! is so good!!! wasted youth!!!

so much character development - slept at 3 am and my body woke me up at 9:30 am. Ok maybe I got woken up by my boss texting me BUT I didn't go back to sleep. Also I was so happy because I thought the person I wanted to text me actually texted me EXACT WORDS being like "I was worried about you" but like it was just a dream so I woke up and checked my phone and yeah
Tell me where your love lies

am I going to be a weak bitch and text first? I feel like Joanne
ugh fuck me dead lo o o o ll ll ll oololllololllllll ok nah gonna wait 20 minutes so I don't seem clingy 
ok I think 20 minutes is up holy shiz my niz i am the weakest weakest bitch I'm legit laughing at myself

now i sit here for another hour or two waiting for a reply y t b


coming from the weak bitch herself
just say the word, we'll take on the world

thanks lizzie for letting me into her house night when I was depresso. ummmm we fried dumplings and defrosted some leek pancake thing that was the bombdotcom with her dad's dumpling sauce as well o m g. Lizzie is like a constant ray of sunshine even when she's not happy she will still make other people happy. number one brown bae xD 
We just lay in bed watching trailers for the longest time before we settled on "The Boy With the Striped Pyjamas" laterzzzzz I hate that movie but she hadn't seen it and like its just a rite of passage everyone has to go through. we agreed that if we were in world war II era Germany we'd be the first to get killed off.

Oreo was being such a fucking retard yesterday and I was just ready for it with my phone camera

hahahah i feel so fine now YIPPEEEEEEEEEEE


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