Monday 2 April 2018

wechunder forever

I feel kinda dead after VSA state retreat HAHAH it was fun and I met a lotta people / got to know people better. Its amazing how much people have gone through in their lives and like they don't ever show it. Hammers home how lucky I am and I should be more grateful for my family because you never know what could happen.

This cafe is playing Let Me Down Easy by Gang of Youths noice.

Day 1

Picked up by Carmen and Kieran, then went to pick up Thao who I had never met before and legit lives a 5 minute walk from me?!?!? So random. She's very very odd like she full has LG hair but plays shooting games on her phone and seems to blurt out anything that comes into her mind but at the same time apparently hates social interaction so idk.

Then met up with everyone at Burgers Anonymous and I was lowkey feeling awkward because no one I was really close with was there until Amy and Joanne showed up. Burgers Anonymous is actually SO GOOOD O M G. Their maple bacon loaded fries / truffle fries are like so nom nom delicious would die for and their burgers are solid a f. They use that milky type of bread for the bun so its not too filling which is nice. We had to show the counter person my marketing post for the discounts cus she didn't believe us.
Then we arrived at the house which was super clean and spacious. 

Idk what we did the first day. We played drunk, stoned, stupid and I did a bit of resourcing then ate dinner which was pasta. Played a bunch of drinking games, got pretty lit then we all yelled at Jo for not feeding the people HAHAHA and we almost made her tragic. WE HUNGRYYYYY

Finally actually interacted with Bonnie who is one of Selina's best friends and fk me dead she still hasn't added me on fb. Ages ago when I first joined State Team, everyone was adding each other and she didn't accept my friend request so I thought she hated me. Also when we saw each other she would never say hi to me. So the other night I was like "why the fk haven't u added me on fb" and she was like if you skull one bottle of soju I'll add you but turns out Selina told her to fuck with me cus she knows me and my anxiety would not be able to handle that.
Then we hopped in the car to the beach (they were legit drink driving on a fucking public holiday with double demerits and we passed the police station on the way). Smoked up HAHAHAH it was weird and everything was so slow and time seemed to stretch on 5eva BUT IT WAS SUPER CHILL. We played 2 truths 1 lie but with 1 truth and 1 lie. I don't remember what anyone else said.

Went back and I think we just went to sleep. Was honestly too tired.

Day 2

Woke up too early, we had breakfast, chilled with Bonnie, Winnie, Kieran and Jo and I was about to try nangs for the first time but like Winnie and I got called to make lunch boo. Winnie is so nice. Watched some karate kid then went to the beach. Beach was super fun cus most of us went into the water and actually swam!!! Amy lost her glasses and then we lost her gopro in the ocean but then Donna accidentally stepped on it and found it O_O 
Khalid Masters Crew minus Selina XD
Then we went back and did the super serious activity where we had to talk about why we joined VSA and what we wanted from it and what we've already gained from it etc. 

THEN THE NIGHT TURNED SUPER SUPER SAD OMG. We were just chilling and then suddenly a group of around 8 of us go outside and just talk about dumb things then Daren asks this question "when have you felt most cut in your life?" and everyone had to go around and answer truthfully. The first girl just did this bullying thing in high school that wasn't too personal and I also talked about HS kris kringle one time but then after that... Joanne went and then everyone just started crying because hers was so so sad and she had never told us that that was happening in her life. Then Amy is legitimately bawling next to her and so Amy starts telling us about her life and I'm like w t f didn't know about any of this stuff. Then Tommy goes and its even sadder then Kevin goes and after his one I've felt so much more grateful for what I have. At this point most people are crying so we all take a vodka shot to commemorate life. 

Go inside for dinner (nem nuong and vermicelli) and we have some Hennessy shots cus why not. Then began the night of drinking. got so fucked up because Winnie and Bonnie were versing me but I had to take 2 shots everytime they took 1 and left right goodnight. 
 No recollection of this photo but David who was from State Team last year rocked up and helped us unlock Jo and I's bedroom door because she fucking locked us out when she closed the door to call Khang. We were both so upset when we thought we were gna have to sleep outside for the night.
So many people had dicks drawn on them, me included and Tommy tried drawing a vagina on me but it ended up looking like a pumpkin. I drunk called Niina for 45 minutes but it felt like 10 and I sent this to Abe but had no recollection of doing so.
I chundered all the nem nuong noodles out and decided not to sleep in my bed because if I chundered on the bed it would be so nasty so I slept on the floor.


Woke up feeling like shit and we had a last team meeting then went homeeee. I got dropped off at Marrickville then bussed to Niina's house so I could drop my shit off before going on the WIESoc Coogee to Bondi walk U G H.

We met up with the rest of the WIESoc team at Coogee Pavillion which was the most RIP thing ever. I had two wraps and had to pay $26. FMD. I couldn't swallow cus my throat was dead from chundering the night before otherwise I would've eaten more. Sat next to bae YIYI heheheh. 

Then went on half the walk in 30 degree heat but Niina had to leave to go tutoring so I went with her to pick up my shit. It was super wholesome though I really really like a lotta the WIESoc people this year. I argued with Niina for a solid 40 minutes to try and make her come dinner tonight but then we realised she actually couldn't come cus her tutoring would cut into the time too much. Now I'm sitting in a cafe in Randwick waiting to meet up with the rest of them for dinner. Sighs. Lowkey ceebs though. I want to go home mumma. 

Heres skwizzy cus why not

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