Saturday 21 April 2018

young god xD

"call it house of wax cus we're in a horror movie" 

this entire week my parents were overseas in Singapore so I had the car and the house to myself!!! Well my sister was there too but she goes over to her boyfriend's house so often she may as well live there. 

hi finally finished exams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! depressing because my last one was so so so so so so so so so so so os shit i may actually get <50% for the first time ever XD at least PHSL was ok :)

Unrequited love is so counterproductive for the human species. There r gna be no babies made if you get hung up on someone who doesnt like you back yenno. JUST HOME THOUGHTS. First time ive been in my bed for about 4 days XD had the worst week of my life these few days and now im lowkey sad its over because no more library/coffee till 12am struggles. S I G H i hate being home alone now. I feel like I’m so dependent on things to fill my brain and distract me from the bigger issues at hand. So i weot e page in my diary that was the most angsty shit ever fk my life. 

ANYWAY it is now 2 days after I wrote all that shit. I literally havent spent an entire day at home alone in probably 2 weeks and it feels so weird but oddly LIBERATING. So here's a quick catch up! hopefully my temporary happiness will make u laugh too XDXDDXXDDDD kkkhhehehehhhhh

Cocktail Night (Wednesday)

On Wednesday 18th, WIE had their annual cocktail night. Niina and Nadeesha both had class till 6 pm so I drove them back to Niina's house to get ready and I was so not going to go but I didn't want to tell Vivian (head of events) that I wasn't going so I just sucked it up, chucked on Niina's clothes and drove us all down to Madam Tussauds. Turned out to be a pretty fun event and as you can see we did a lot of networking with the wax figures. 
got so triggered because they just put random chemistry shit in the cabinet behind Einstein like fUck HE WAS A PHYSICIST O K!!!!!!
afterwards, I was about to go home but then Niina casually suggested I sleep over for the 3rd night in a row l m a o and then I was like so easily baited seeing as I had to go uni to study the day after anyway SO WOOHOO we bought ice cream, pumped Halsey and returned to her humble abode. 

got fucked (Thursday)

by my mman exam l o l. Spent the entire day studying and like lowkey thought I wasn't that screwed inside but what do you know! literally going to get <50%. I felt so shit inside afterwards that when I returned back to the library and saw all the sympathetic faces of Yiyi, Niina and Amy I just faceplanted underneath the table and shed a few tears.
After the exam we went back to Niina's house and we got maccas, played these dumb multiplication games with cards and kinda just chilled for the longest time. I drove yiyi home then crashed into my bed.

Hotpot and Gossip (Friday)

Woke up too early because I thought I had to enrol but nope its actually on Wednesday next week. Lowkey freaking out because idk what I want to do with uni and life in the future and I have to start choosing my BIOMED electives next sem and its getting a bit too real.

Took a nap and was woken up by Joanne who was bored and decided to trek to Carramar to yap. We took Oreo to the vet to get her infected toe checked out but hopefully its just bruising and it'll heal by itself. The vet gave us antibiotics and shit.
We went to Cabra to buy ingredients for hotpot and gossip (bonding with old VSA committee) and omfg hotpot is such an easy meal to prepare. PROBABLY SO SO SHIT FOR YOU but its so cheap. You only have to buy that packet soup base stuff and then whatever meat/veggies you want. 

Everytime VSA gets together the topic always turns to relationships and like sex and I don't feel as uncomfortable as I used to cus it kinda funny. Surprised that so many people rocked up HAHAH even Mathew my anatomy tutor made the trek. 
They all went home except for Selina and we played a new CHOO CHOO board game. fkn lamE CUS I lost. We watched first two eps of youth and consequences before selina + le cat fell asleep. 
OREO CRAWLED INTO MY BED AND SLEPT WITH ME LAST NIGHT O M G so pure I felt like our relationship has reached the next level. but she woke up at like 5 am and I had to go let her outside which woke Selina up as well. 


now i am at home BLOGGING AGAIN BECAUSE I FINALLY HAVE TIME Y TB. Gotta do the WIESoc video for board games tho :( 


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