Saturday 11 June 2016

A whole new world

Such awkward moment when you see someone irl then go home and check fb and realise that it was their birthday.

First time driving by myself today. I feel like the world is so much more accessible now that I can drive. I don't wait half an hour for trains and like walk 100 m to the station. I can just go whenever I want.

I JUST HATE PARKING OMG. Literally took me like 3 minutes to do a simple perpendicular park. Luckily there was no one around otherwise seriously would've like panicked and just hit someone.

Just as I went to the car after tutoring, I saw Alex walking around the corner and true to his smug self he was like "oh do u do 1141? I saw the exam paper and it looked fun". Then when I reversed out of Jimmys I was so cautious and scared I was going to hit someone.  (also i waited for Alex to disappear before I pulled out bcus I didn't want him to see my tragic driving). I feel like the whole time driving home I was like pls no one die because of me
Like I was defs not checking properly when changing lanes and stuff srsly. 

But also its so easy to speed lol I think I'm a really bad driver.

I have to drive tomorrow again but its going to be hella busy because I have class at ~ 1 which is the busiest time :( Hope class tomorrow isn't going to be as bad as class last week fml I am dreading it so much like this is not a healthy occupation for me.

I really should be studying for physics. 


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