Thursday 2 June 2016

Not Today

*be prepared for a blog post filled with shitty photos of HALF EATEN/empty bowls because I forgot to take photos when the food was in whole form*

Posted this to snapchat on monday but not sure if i blogged about it. BAsically this is where most of the marks for my ENGG1000 course are coming from
ummmmmmmmmmmmmm it was too top heavy so the arm had difficulty like staying upright but everything moved so we will get ok for it i think

 Went sleepover at amy's yesterday, we did nothing the whole night. Her mother made some very nice chicken stroganoff, egg thing and tofu. Then we made some very strange youtube videos because Amy insists we start a channel called Seramy Phuong? idek like I would totes post the video we made up here but there would be so much judgement like more judgement than usual

Next morning with met up with Mei and went to eat some yummy Arisun. We ordered hot pot:
black bean noodle (yum delicious) DOESN'T THAT LOOK APPETISING
AND THIS ARISUN POMEGRANATE COCKTAIL THING THAT WAS REALLY NICE there was barely any alcohol in it. like it tasted kinda like a cruiser but without the fizz
do you see that shot glass on the table? mei had ONE of those and started getting really weird. keep in mind this pomegranate cocktail had about the same concentration of alcohol as a cruiser. 
Amy started getting strange as well
Well yeh that happened. Then we went to N2 to get icecream and ran into Kim (who works there) and ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kim looked so struggle working there by herself and serving like 10 people. but lol we left after 2 minutes because Mei and Amy no longer felt like N2.

Then we went to Tom n Toms where Mei bought a green tea latte and we kinda just chilled for a little.

After a while we left to get Aqua S and here is my sad little photo of my ice cream. I had the sea salt yassssss and lemon cheesecake not so yasssssss.
oMFG then we parted ways and I made my train!!!

As the train was pulling up to central this girl sat next to me and like you know how when ppl sit next to you, you always glance at them to kinda suss them out in case its an old pedophile or something?

WELL I looked at her quickly and then i was like hang on a sec and then she looked at me and then she was like NO WAY BECAUSE IT WAS YVONNE FROM GEORGES HALL LMAO. I don't even remember if I was really good friends with her back then but she was pretty close with Amy. Funny because Amy was just talking about her a few days ago and how she was dating this other boy from Georges Hall. She's so friendly and talkative and one of those people you can just keep talking to????? idk. She told me how you have to sit through an interview to become like a VSA PR person. pretty cool.

she went to East Hills High School and I feel like she picked up a lil bit of like arab in her soul or something because when she left she said YALLAH bye (even with the slight throat gargle) and I was like bye!!

Shes asian..



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