Friday 24 June 2016

Me Before You

saw fo dee and feng for the first time in 5eva today!! FD was late because she was hanging out with Victor (what a dog) so Feng and I went to Danjee for dinner. we ate bimbimbap and kimchi stew yummy. then FD finally arrived and we went to eat this red bean ice-cream thing underneath that whole Aqua S corridor that was pretty meh. UM ran into Chloe from Me Oi (had awkward convo), Monica from Jimmys and Sarah Nguyen, Cath Guo and Viv Anh outside George ST Event Cinemas.

Then we watched Me Before You which was a huge disappointment. If you are planning on watching it, don't watch the trailer. If you have already watched the trailer, don't watch the movie because the trailer is basically the whole movie.

We saw Jessie (Tsui) when we walked into the cinema and that evil little girl was sitting in our seats. Also the cinema was really packed and 95% of people in there were girls.

Things I learnt from this movie:

1. Emilia Clarke's eyebrows have a life of their own
They are so damn expressive like they never stopped moving the whole time. You never really get to see their full mobility in Game of Thrones because Dany is never excited shes just all *I AM DAENERYS TARGARYEN, FIRST OF HER NAME, THE UNBURNT, MOTHER OF DRAGONS, BREAKER OF CHAINS..............*
Then you have Lou who is as far as you can get from Daenerys Targaryen. And her eyebrows just don't stop.
2. British people recycle their actors in everything
Mr. Bates from Downton Abbey (lmao remember how Anna said it and it always sounded like masturbates)
Tywin and Daenerys from Game of Thrones
Clara Oswald from Doctor Who (she was boring af bring back rose and amy pond)
Neville Longbottom from Harry Potter

3. Love stories are bull
I think I'm way more pessimistic these days compared to like 2-3 years ago. Idk I didn't buy the whole love story there were just too many plot holes. Why would you let some untrained person take care of your quadriplegic son if he is so sensitive to like little colds and stuff? Dialogue was strange sometimes and I kept getting distracted by her eyebrows / wrinkles in her forehead. Like when she was crying I thought she was laughing. Also there were many dramatic moments where I felt like laughing but that would've been inappropriate.

4. Sam Claflin has PROMINENT dimples
I think he did this no teeth smile at least 6 times in the movie. But man them dimples lit up every time. 

5. Go to Switzerland if you want to get euthanized
Yeh I'm not too sure about the message this movie wanted to give. Like ummmmmmm the life of a quadriplegic is not worth living??? it seems like such a waste but I mean its totally his own decision but still wtf.

6. If you're on Home and Away, you'll always make it
This doctor/caregiver guy was such a good bloke omg. He was my favourite character in my movie tbh everything he did was so aussie and true-blue and all dat he was gr9.

 Final Thoughts:

It was cute. 
 But not as cute as this. 
It is worthy to note that we all did not cry. However when I was waiting for FD and Feng to pee, a lot of girls were walking out of the cinema bawling their eyes out. I saw Amy Dang (literally hadn't seen her in 3 years) and she said she cried HAHAHAHAHA. Such struggles it really was too unbelievable and I was not invested enough in the characters to cry soz. Felt 1000x more despair when Drogo died. 

fuck my fucking life i left all the year 5 exams to mark this week because i cbf last week and now i cbf and i can't put it off anymore so let me cry

i wish i could like do a project or something but there is always work looming over my head and i think i make it sound a lot worse than it actually is but it doesn't help that most of the kids i teach don't give a fuck about learning

1 comment:

  1. Totally agreed, her eyebrows and wrinkles are so distracting, I wanted to cry but I couldn't because of her eyebrows and wrinkles, in the end, I cried by ignoring them and focus on the sadness of saying good bye to loved ones. Claflin's performance was better.
