Monday 13 June 2016

VIVID dreamz

Woke up at 9 today and couldn't go back to sleep because I was dreading teaching the year 5s so much lol.

Today was by far the best year 5 lesson I have had EVER omg I left feeling so happy.
I feel like this happiness will disappear next week when they revert to being all bratty and stuff. BUT whatever they were so good today! Like they were being quiet and working hard and stuff and hnnnnnnnng just love it when they do their work. Played maths football (even tho its really maths basketball) which was a game Jimmy taught us lol. I used to get so nervous playing maths football jaysus. I remember vsing Harely one time and we got 5 x 2 and i had a total mind fart...

some of the children finished their hwk in class so I'm expecting some complaints next week from parents who are like "WHY DIDN'T YOU GIVE THEM H/W THIS WEEK" and if I'm like I did they just finished in in class they'll be like "WELL YOU DIDN'T GIVE THEM ENOUGH" blah blah blah like jaysus they just had a test calm down.

I asked them what presents they wanted if they did well in the test and they said smiggle stationery HAHAHA. fml tho because smiggle stuff is so damn expensive. i feel like the kids can tell that I think they're dumb sometimes lol

also feng saw a couple at vivid who reminded her of my parents bcus they were taking selfies and stuff and guess what it was my parents O_O

omg i drove to jimmys at like peak hour jimmy traffic today like so many parents were picking up their children and stuff so there was nowhere to park and like i had 10 mins to class and it was just a mess I parked like 50 m from the centre omfg.

It hurts me everytime i see you realise how much i need u. why am i still listening to this fucking song.

i am dying of da hiccups omfg

up to around ep 15 of Jane the Virgin. It is still ok so far... THE CHARACTERS ARE A BIT CARTOONISH THO which i dislikE


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