Thursday 2 February 2017

bunion buddies

I think I found my soulmate today.
am I really having a conversation about bunions
Went to Usual Cafe with Anus today. The french toast was really yummy they put cornflakes on the outside so it was super crunchy. Plus they topped with sweet mini blueberries, strawberries, caramelised banana, pistachios and icecream amongst other things. LOOK AT THIS ART. 
Beef & pork crackle burger wasn't as good I think the beef was a little overcooked. Same thing happened last time when I went with Feng and Tammy for the burger and truffle popcorn. Just don't get beef burgers here. Everything else is really good.
Went home, took a nap whilst Amy did her P's test (which she got 100% in what a fakkin star). Then went out for dinner with my cousins to Superior Burger in Wakeley where Roxie (my cousin) works. We got a couple different burgers, coke and some potato and gravy. IT WAS FUCKING GOOD but IMO John Belvedere's Chicken Truffle Burger is still my favourite. The good thing about these burgers were that they stayed together HAHAHA they were surprisingly not messy to eat.
Afterwards, we stayed at the restaurant for like over an hour just talking and eating various desserts Roxie brought to us (rocky road ice-cream sandwich, salted caramel soft serve). We helped fold the burger boxes because we were bored HAHAHA. I should stop saying "I want to die". 

Back home now doing nothing again. Its 2 am I'm thinking of starting the Handmaiden and getting some marking done. 

Did not know the girl in Ed Sheeran's "Shape of You" was blasian but I remember thinking she has kinda slit eyes. I'm racist. It's a cute music video y'all should watch it if you haven't already seen it.

There is only one person in this world who owns 3 oversized olive coloured coats that look almost identical. 

Top 4 Light Me Up Songs 

Who are The Pretty Reckless? They're a trashy rock band fronted by none other than Jenny Humphrey from Gossip Girl...and the vibe of their music can be described as kinda angsty but also really melodic. Light Me Up is one of their earlier albums? Maybe their first? Idk I liked this stuff back in Year 9 and am listening to the album again.
1. Make Me Wanna Die
2. You
3. Just Tonight
4. Nothing Left To Lose

My favourite lyric back in Year 9 - "Lost between Elvis and suicide, ever since the day we died" from Nothing Left To Lose
lmao me when screaming the lyrics of this album

Dev Patel is a big hairy ball of sunshine I like listening to him talk he seems like such a calm and friendly person. 

Dev: (absorbed in his own beautiful words) You've got to feel the people. That's what Garth did the best... the importance of building good chemistry with me and Nicole, me and Rooney, me and Priyanka. All of those people. It's all about the chemistry.
Interviewer: (slight sarcasm) You had pretty good scene partners to bounce off of. 
Dev: Playing tennis with Roger Federer you know. You hit the ball anywhere and it's returned back to you. 

Pete's Dragon (2016)

Dir. David Lowery
So this movie is about this kid, Pete, who's parents die in a car accident in the forest so he grows up with a giant Green Dragon. Shit happens because um its a giant Green Dragon so there's a whole King Kong situation where people want to capture it and all that. It's a remake of a the 1977 musical film of the same name.

I think this movie is a solid 6/10 for entertainment value. I'm not a kid anymore so the characters seems really cartoonish and I dislike that. The villain's motive in this is so unbelievable and his lack of compassion is quite one dimensional and takes you out of the movie. There's an obvious plothole which is how can the boy still speak English if it's been 6 years since he last heard or spoke it?

I liked Bryce Dallas Howard in this and the main kid I thought they were both pretty good. Robert Redford's role was so fucking cheesy goodbye I hated it and at the beginning I found the little girl annoying too.

It's a very nice movie to look at because David Lowery is such a visual storyteller ~~. Everything's really smooth and the CGI is pretty spot-on.

So all-in-all its a good children's movie and I would be lying if I said I didn't feel happiness watching this but I'm too cynical for this shit now NOTHING is this hopeful and the supporting characters were shit as. 

Y'all know what I'm really excited for though. GHOST STORY!!!!! choo choo all aboard the hype train - next stop, Carramar!!!


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