Tuesday 21 February 2017

O-Week Day 1

[I took photos today but its not my camera so I don't have them.]

Running on 4 hours of sleep trying to pretend you're excited about a society (WIEsoc) you know very little about is quite straining.

I was so nervous at the beginning and I stuttered so much talking to people but then it got heaps easier because you basically say the same thing every time. What I'm bad at though is the bants... I actually cannot banter. I met this girl in the IMP subcomm called Larissa and she's so bubbly and friendly and fully makes everyone really comfortable and excited and I'm over in the corner like

don't look at me
who's cramming in Carol gifs every chance they get IT AIN'T ME

Stayed with Sandy for most of today. We did the stall and also insta frame before the camera ran out of batteries. Some people are actually so shy. Saw heaps of people I hadn't seen in ages and for some reason (I was talking to FD and Michelle about this) I can always recognise sghs Year 12 faces. YEEEH ANYWAY SAW SO MANY PEOPLE IT WAS FUN HAHAHAHAHA found out 2 couples broke up ummm love is always dead... won a duffle bag from commbank yas. Had lunch with Jusmin and FD!! and Jan visited our table lmao this Yellow Shirt has no time for old friends
I hate these memes whenever I see them on fb I just feel disgust... but this has NEVER been so relatable 
We hugged for no joke 15 seconds today because we hadn't seen each other in almost a year and I was literally gripping so tightly pls never let me go. It's been 4 years why am I STILL like this. I can't elaborate here because it is too close to my black heart. Just know I am such a pathetic girl... doesn't acknowledge my existence for a year, gives me attention for half a second and tells me how much I'm missed and now I'm fucking fucked up again FUCK YOU NOT RLY BUT FUCK ME WHY HOW CAN SOMEONE WALK AROUND BEING A SOLID 10/10 IT IS NOT DOING ANYONE ANY GOOD IT JUST DOESNT MAKE SENSE I THINK I MET JESUS DURING THAT HUG

Ok I don't know why I'm saying this y'all have no idea who I'm talking about and never will I'm sorry go back to your interesting lives I'm so incoherent.

FML why was I not born a wombat or something life would be so simple.

I'm churning out cover photos for WIE like

 I've never felt more appreciated in my entire life. This is what happens when I do stuff on time FOR ONCE
feeling like a mhysa rn


omg lion is out in hd
OH MY GOD I WAS WATCHING A RANDOM 40 MINUTE INTERVIEW WITH THE CINEMATOGRAPHER OF LION JUST IN THE BACKGROUND WHILST BLOGGING  AND HE JUST SAID "I mean look at Carol. Carol was shot on 16 mm film. If film had become extinct, Carol would've never been made like that. It would've looked so much different. And I just think it's an extraordinary piece of work that I attribute to Ed's choice to shoot film. It's such a beautiful, extraordinary piece."
If someone could explain what's happening to my views that would be really great


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