Monday 6 February 2017

When Jesus say yes...say no


Had 4 hours of sleep because marking and reports (which she didn't even end up printing out what?). Started tutoring year 9s again they are really silent and this one kid is like so slow but whatever I'm 1000% done with everything and everyone I have so many new students in that class -.-

Left tutor at 12-ish, drove to uni and when I got there all the photos and videos were done already so I was kinda like wtf am I here for. But chilled with subcomm, we got chicken nuggets for lunch so it wasn't a complete waste. Dellin and I were like uber drivers we dropped everyone off at Central. I was driving Big Lucy, Matt (the guy who pretended to interview with me) and Mai who went to Canley Vale it was so surreal.

Then drove back home and almost died in the car (I have told everyone this) cus I fell asleep for a second at the wheel and was like 20 cm from crashing into the tunnel wall lol never driving when that sleep-deprived ever again. 

Went home and took a nap, didn't go to Feng's sister's bday because too fucking tired but went out to meet Lulu, Joyce and Feng for dinner. We literally just ate Korean food and like they had a drink then we all went home...Lulu was so sad she didn't get to get drunk :( Saw Jusmin at star bar randomly HAHAHa woohoo lit night

went home and basically went to sleep straight away.


I have never written reports so quickly in my life. I am happy to say that I am 100% done now (for last term) THANK THE FUCKING LORD. I copied and pasted almost every single comment.

OMFG when I went to tutor today I made eye contact with this girl who was sitting at the table and I was like SHE LOOKS SO FAMILIAR WHO IS SHE and we keep looking at each other nek minnit she goes "oh you were in my 4u class weren't you?" and I literally don't remember her from there but whatever. She just started at Jimmys and I'm tryna send her telepathic signals like

especially after the fucking hectic sleep deprived weekend I've had marking and writing reports

Also when I saw all my other co-workers especially Monica we were all like fucking complaining about writing reports and stuff just SO TRAGIC everyone knows how much work we all have to do. Got like 3 compliments for my hair today
jk I feel like sometimes people are obligated to compliment but I pretend to not be conflicted inside and just thank them or try to say something genuine like "I LIKE YOURS TOO!!!!" because I really do like it. I'm just not someone who dishes out compliments freely like you only get them when I'm drunk
Anyway, taught the Year 6s......... omfg I was going to say the most unprofessional thing but no. I have this really smart kid who taught himself pythagoras' theorem??? what the fak also I got so frustrated at this one girl who was writing so slowly today I just told her to put her pen down and I would print the fucking thing out for her

Went to PappaRich Parra with fam for dinner and drove everyone home cus I'm just that kool. 

goes to tutoring for 4 hours comes back holy fucking shit what happened new JP news and fucking showed up at the DGAs what even..............when dailymail comments give you gems like this

But then there's also shit like this...



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