Friday 24 February 2017

I wish I was ocean's away

So I've been holding free homework help classes recently for my Year 6s because the actual selective test is coming up so soon and... I've had some of the funnest lessons I've ever had tutoring. Children are actually so funny and insightful sometimes. There has only been 4 kids showing up: Ro, Na, Is and An and they are all angels and really hardworking and worried about selective and just UGH why can't they all be like this.

We finished a lil early and they were asking me about high school, uni, ATARs, and all that and one of them said "isn't it boring going to an all girl's school" to which I responded with this face
and said if you REALLY want boys you can go over to their school during lunch and then they just laughed

Also they asked me if I would remember then when I'm a rich and famous engineer and I just said yes I'll give a shoutout to my year 6 tutoring kids. Oh lord if only

Made more watermelon cake today. Yummo. Probably going to insta it this time because haven't insta'd something in so long.

Literally went from uni->work -> amy -> work -> amy -> home in the last two days. Have never been outside my house this often. My mum asked me if I even live here anymore.

Y'all WIE stall is kinda fun sometimes talking to people you haven't seen in ages - OMG I SAW JENNY TAN THE OTHER DAY WTF SHE'S COME TO UNSW TO DO OPTOM YASSSSSSSSSS GAGAGAGAGA I saw a badminton kid (Jessica?) and basically it's enjoyable if I manage to keep the awkward pile of shit that I am hidden from the general public. Back at it tomorrow for the last day. I'm actually feeling a lot more positive being involved in something and yenno the whole working together to achieve one goal kinda thing it keeps me occupied.

Me: positivity!
Also me: 20 bucks she'll have an angsty, ambiguous, kinda depressed post up by tomorrow

An example of my daily awkward encounters: this ex exec showed up at our stall and she was like meeting all the new execs and for some fucking reason I said "Hi I'm Serena" and also extended my hand before I realised that I was not invited to this introducing party and she hesitated and tried to make it not awkward but I could sense the awkwardness there

omf cringe just thinking about it YO someone give me social skills

I randomly got invited to this board games night on Saturday and I thought it was a tutor thing and then I asked him who's going and he listed all these people that I don't know so now I'm confused and don't know what to do.

I'm a compulsive liar if I met someone and actually said what I thought oh lord goodbye human contact for the rest of my life. How to survive in a world that values extroversion.

Also this fuckwit car yesterday literally it was T-junction and it was my fucking right of way and I was just happily going and then in the corner of my eye I see him beginning to turn and I'm going full speed and I slam on the breaks and PRESS MY HORN LIKE NO JOKE 3 TIMES and I was so mad cus I almost died and the whole time he was driving in front of me I was sending him death glares through his car.

Moana (2016)

Disney Disney Disney
This was a pretty standard Disney movie. Beautiful animation and visuals (the water in this holy moly), not overly intelligent/thought provoking, cliche "Hero's Journey" plot - fuck I just saw the biggest cockroach

The songs were all so shit except for How Far I'll Go. Everything else sounded like they wrote down a monologue and tried to put it to music (nothing fucking rhymed this is not some abstract poetry ITS A DISNEY MOVIE)

Despite all that though it was still pretty enjoyable but going to forget it very soon. 
"See the sun and the wind and the sea they're all glowing!"

"See the grass on the ground and the ants on the hill they're all dirty! All so yucky!"

Amy (and more recently Stephen) have been coming up with alternative lyrics to this fucking song and its so offensive to the real lyrics HAHAHA


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