Tuesday 7 February 2017


I have a permanent wrinkle between my eyebrows now because I look either concerned, angry or annoyed 24/7 like can someone help me be a more optimistic person.

This heat is so titf. I was sitting on the toilet diarrhoeaing using toilet paper to wipe the sweat off my face. Ooft it was not a good idea to have so much milk tea and coffee today.

Does anyone have Letterboxd? I signed up yesterday. Goal is to watch 100 movies in 2017 which is 1 movie every 3.65 days. That doesn't sound so hard. Also got Spotify premium today joint with Cynthia's friends yay.

Went to Amy's house tonight for a semi-drink up. I took some shots but didn't get too drunk. Amy and Andrew just came out of the pool lmao at 1:15 am. Amy made me a felt plushie of Rooney Mara's dog o m g OSKAR is so cute the quality of my tumblr is so tragic I'm literally reposting people picking up pineapples
hehehe so accurate I love it

sed sed sed sed sed sed sed sed sed sed sed sed sed sed sed sed sed sed sed sed sed sed why am I always such a party pooper sigh lmao when you can't give people what they want -.- fucking bye should I just go -.--------------------------------------------------------- lmao black party feels I sometimes feel so insignificant like literally if I disappeared tomorrow no one would care

just picked up a tiny bug on my laptop between my thumb and finger and just chucked it over the bed


The Handmaiden (2016)

Dir. Park Chan Wook
After watching this I realise there are not many movies that I dislike.....or maybe I'm just watching all the good ones I don't know. Just watch the damn movie. (But warning you now its an "erotic psychological thriller" so don't watch it in your living room)

The movie sucks you in from the first 10 minutes with beautiful imagery and it totally transports you to this early 20th Century weird Japanese Korea. I can't really summarise the movie without giving plot away. Just know there are so many twists and turns in the story you won't stop being surprised.

After the bathtub scene:
I also really liked the costumes and set design but I generally like period movies because of all that stuff. Tumblr and Feng have been telling me to watch this for a while and no ragrats whatsoever. Cannes photocall brings back Carol mems HOLY SHIT this is not a fucking drill (why has no one posted this on tumblr their legs are literally doing the same thing)
Side note: I disagree the sex scenes are too gratuitous... here's a really good analysis of the last one (spoilers). Wish I was this good for HSC English

"The metal balls in that final love scene, which were once used as a device for punishment, represented just how far she has come in taking control of her own fate. When her uncle forced her to hold one in her mouth as a child, she was essentially being "silenced." It served as a metaphor for her position as a woman in that maddening household and in that strictly patriarchal society in general. Bringing those balls out in the end showed that she has completely broken free of "the ball and chain" of her past life, of her sadistic uncle and the scheming suitor, and has taken full ownership of her sexuality and future." 


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