Thursday 9 February 2017

Seen Queen

Woke up at 4pm today with the second worst headache of my entire life I had to walk to the medicine cabinet with my hands around my head to stop my brain from hitting my skull (because yes that's how it works). I think I slept too much ... is 14 hours too much?

Had a really good lesson with the Year 8s yesterday. Basically most of the students got moved up from Sarah's class so they're all really hardworking and stuff. Except this one kid who I didn't have last week who has the worst I asked him for an answer and he looked me dead in the eyes, shrugged his shoulders and said "I don't know". wtf am I supposed to do with that???

A savage would've sent him outside my alas I am not a savage I try to pretend I'm a savage but instead I just sound stupid. The class is gradually getting bigger... last week was 5 this week was like 9 can they like stop multiplying. 

Also my PR team actually hate me because I never reply on fb HAHAHA oops . . .. ... 

Maybe this is why my eyesight is dying.

This thing keeps happening to me when I watch movies and I'm constantly thinking to myself "DO I LIKE THIS" instead of just watching it and enjoying it then thinking about that at the end. I'm literally questioning everything about myself every minute of every day. Take me back to childhood please when my brain was less weird.
Only 3 more best picture nominees to go! Do I even have a life ! I do not know ! anymore ! I guess not !

1. “La La Land” (Lionsgate)
2. “Moonlight” (A24)3. “Manchester by the Sea” (Amazon, Roadside Attractions)4. “Arrival” (Paramount)5. “Fences” (Paramount)6. “Lion” (Weinstein Co.)7. “Hell or High Water” (CBS Films)8. “Hacksaw Ridge” (Lionsgate)9. “Hidden Figures” (Fox)

RM: *breathes*
Why does damien chazelle look so sickly all the time its like he's about to pass out at any moment. If a woman looked like this she would make headlines

Hidden Figures (2016)

Dir. Theodore Melfi
Ok let's be a little serious now. This is like one of the most empowering and uplifting movies you will ever see and the characters are all so loveable and when something good happens ur heart just swells and the tears threaten to come out and just general happiness overflows so pls do yourself a favour and go watch this movie (or 123movies like we did lmao) they already done good at the box office they don't need more money. 

I love watching smart people be smart and surprise people with their smartness.

The Witch (2015)

Dir. Robert Eggers
This is a highly acclaimed horror movie about a crazy religious family and a weird naked witch that chops babies' penises off then mashes them up and rubs them on her body

Um yes I'm still confused like 10 hours after watching this. I can tell that there's so much meaning that I'm not grasping. 
Stunning movie to look at though. This review sums up my feelings: I admire Robert Egger's The VVitch more than I like it
Ok this kind of made it make more sense

Manchester By The Sea (2016)

Dir. Kenneth Lonergan
Was quite excited to see this just for Casey Affleck and to understand why he was winning all the best actor awards this season. He plays this emotionally distant dude who has to look after his teenage nephew after his brother dies. 

There are 0 cliches in this. and I teared up a lil when you find out why he's kinda reacts weirdly to situations....its so tragic. Also Michelle Williams was fucking amazing in the like 2 scenes she was in.

I still can't tell why his acting is better than anyone elses lmao. In retrospect, I did like this movie especially the main character's "journey"/character arc but don't fully understand the widespread critical acclaim its been receiving...

I have mixed feelings about Casey Affleck one one hand he's been accused of many instances of sexual harassment but in interviews he seems really intelligent and interesting?!?!??! Fak they went into some deep shit in the last 10 minutes

Hacksaw Ridge (2016)

Dir. Mel Gibson
Amy liked this movie so much she watched it in the morning with Stephen  then watched it again at night with me lmao.

I liked it, I just didn't like it as much as Amy liked it HAHAHAHA. Would still highly recommend for the inspirational story alone and it doesn't feel as long as the run time actually is. I could only tell that Hugo Weaving's acting was really good even though Andrew Garfield is getting like so much praise for this
It didn't blow my mind and I think that might've been the trailers fault for spoiling a lot of the movie. At times I felt like they were TRYING to tug at my heartstrings and it felt a little contrived and I don't like it when I'm pulled out of the experience. Sorry I feel really bad for dissing this movie. 

La La Land (again)

Watched this with my sister at home in shitty quality and I still feel the same way about it.

First half of the movie was dull and slow af, but that finale kinda makes up for it. The part I forgot about the first time I watched it was during the epilogue when they are watching a movie of what their life together could've been like UGH that hit me in the feels and I feel like most of it was improv as well like fak they're so cute. So many of the shots in this are actually mindblowing.

The way they smile at each other at the end I can't. Fucking bye I'm sad now this actually made me really sad but I still cannot forgive HOW SLOW PACED IT IS AT THE BEGINNING LIKE WHY 

ok back to being sad why can't they just be together.


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