Sunday 12 February 2017

can i sleep in your dimples

A very self-aware day told in Edge of Seventeen gifs and yes, I, like Nadine think that I'm the centre of the universe. Except I don't have real problems so I guess I'm just wasting everybody's time.
I feel like I can't connect with people like HONESTLY cannot connect with people.
*can feel Amy's eyes rolling back into her head* BUT THIS IS SO TRUE WHAT IS ACTUALLY WRONG WITH ME I feel very little connection to people

edit: I had a dream last night that little Saroo from Lion went to a pyschiatrist with me and he was diagnosed with BDB and the doctor was like "its the no-personality disorder" 

even my subconscious is fucked up

Anywayyyyyyyyyy woke up way too fucking early for tutoring. Didn't eat the whole day until 5 and absorbing abuse and snide remarks from children on an empty stomach is just not ok
Went home to eat then had to head back to tutoring for staff meeting. I felt a lot more comfortable this year at the staff meeting compared to last year because I know more people now. My mentor when I just started last year was the spokesperson for the meeting today and he is so confident holy shit he cracks so many jokes and like just UGH how can you be like that???? He did not sweat one bit. 
I totally have a resting bitch face now and I don't know how to fix it

We talked about a lot of stuff ... made some progress HAHAHA can't really talk about it here but highlight if you wanna see because this is highly unprofessional - basically she brought up the point that our base rate is higher than a lot of other tutoring centres therefore we should do more extra work and not calculate an extra hour here or there (but in reality it's an extra like 3 hours of unpaid work per class every week) and a lot of suggestions were rebuffed humorously because of budget and just internally I was like
but externally I was likE
hi don't look at me oh you want my opinion sorry I don't have one

My boss offered me more classes after march when selective is over and finally this time I was like "I'll think about it because don't want to be overworked". 
Left meeting early because it was 8pm and my sister was at home starving so went home to pick her up then we went to Holy Basil for dinz.

Drank 2 milk teas and a lychee shake today gonna get diabetes and die early!
I am participating in heated debates on forums is this what my life has become?? "when those dimples come out, its magic". Meanwhile,
I feel like I've wasted many quality gifs on a mediocre post. Oh well
my words to live by

one day my aesthetic will be a wearing a ripped hobo beanie with a $1,395 Stella Mccartney handbag.


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