Thursday 16 February 2017

I'm starved.

I haven't seen another human being that isn't my family in like a full week.


feb 14th mood:
Lmao I feel like being lonely on Valentine's day has never been such a big deal until this year because  since uni literally everywhere you look people have significant others. I'm a nasty little shit for envying people's happiness. Its ok though I'll just stay at home, watch movies and make Valentine gifts for my friend's boyfriend.
shud I just marry myself

God fucking dammit missed my 300th post by 8 posts -.-

This bitch just stole my edit and posted it on twitter does she wanna go THOSE 40 LIKES ARE MINE.
same girl sometimes I don't know wtf I am doing

A new tutor observed my class today and he's 3rd year education like what the fuck are you even going to learn from me??? I am honestly the worst tutor working in this whole place. spent so long prepping today gna cry srsly I'm moving through this topic so slowly as well

The Walking Dead is back (season 7 ep 8) and I'm having trouble getting through the episode cus some of the acting is so terrible and the dialogue is shit and the cinematography is so uninspired. Its a TV show so I guess they are forgiven.

Sigh can I get some carol deleted scenes yet its 3am and I'm considering rewatching that 2 hour piece of cinematic perfection for the 50th time.

I should write a love letter to milk sigh our relo is so complicated


lmao mum was like "hey why didn't you give me a uni report for last semester?" and I was trying to dodge the question like "omg we don't even get reports" and I did kinda shit last sem so I just kept saying I HAVE HD WAM DON'T WORRY lmao and she was like oh ok that's fine then???? thank god she dropped it because I have to keep up this charade that I am totally coasting through uni even though I'm really not

Summer holiday is almost over what have I done
You know its a bad week when you're evaluating your self worth on the number of notes you get on tumblr ! SAD ! 

Lion is making more money at the box office since Oscar noms
Slowly but surely making my way through The Cinephile Teen Starter Pack only 43% logged there's a luong way to go

Captain Fantastic (2016)

Dir. Matt Ross
basically a sequel to lord of the rings
Synopsis: After defeating Sauron at the Battle of the Morannon, Aragorn struggles to settle down in his newfound domestic lifestyle with Arwen. They breed like rabbits because their previous favourite pastime of "destroy the ring" is passé...eventuating in six genetically blessed children. Soon, becoming regretful of her decision to not go to the Undying lands, Arwen develops bipolar disorder and depression. She fakes her death then elopes with Legolas to France, leaving Aragorn and their six children behind. <-- tbh that would make a good fanfic

Here's the actual synopsis for you "A father living in the forests of the Pacific Northwest with his six young kids tries to assimilate back into society." 

What a fantastic movie. HAAHAHA it was really sweet and had a lot of heart to it. Viggo Mortensen is so good in this and its the first thing I've seen from him that isn't LOTR. If you like heartlifting, sentimental, light-hearted movies with a touch of comedy this is the one for you. THIS SCENE OMG I DIED LAUGHING
Disliked the main kid actor (Bo) I thought he was shit and could only scream things when he was trying to act angry/hurt and it didn't really land. This cast is the cutest though
Also this is hands down the most romantic thing I have ever seen anyone say to a dead body in a movie (u wot m8 as opposed to in real life?). Ever. The gif does not do justice to the way he delivered that line.

Drive (2011)

Dir. Nicolas Winding Refn
O look another movie that I liked. I liked the plot, loved the characters, ADORED the style and slight arthouse-ness of it all, dug the chill electro soundtrack... I want to smother myself in the chemistry between Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan..................................................that elevator scene though like if that ain't poetic cinema I don't know what is.
goodbye mi knees weak arms are heavy

There's something about the opening credits song that is so addictive (maybe the bass??) its hard to explain.... but this is my new jam it is the kind of song that you want to turn up full volume when you're alone in your house and then creep around like a wolf with thriller hands but act like you're stalking prey

Overall had a good time with this movie but I watched it in two sittings because my net died. I want to watch it again to experience it as a whole movie.

Ryan Gosling has the most fabulous filmography like wtf so many of his movies are classics

Elle (2016)

Dir. Paul Verhoeven

I did not love this movie I'm very sorry it was so absurd at times and I didn't understand it until I read the Wikipedia synopsis but that's probably because I'm dumb and do not understand subtlety because the rest of the world lauded it.

Isabelle stans reading my blog like
People seem to really like Isabelle Huppert on Tumblr and everyone was spazzing out about how good she is in this. She is very good in this. How do I know? Well because when I was watching it I had this unequivocal belief that this is how she is in real life HAHAHA like Joffrey syndrome

I also liked that she was the boss of a video game company like do you ever see that in movies?? Such a unique occupation. 

Want her to win the Oscar because I'm tired of Emma Stone's same speech at every award show.
I thought this was going to be a pure drama movie but no its a "psychological horror" and I got jumpscared so many fucking times like I did not sign up for this.


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