Wednesday 22 February 2017



Guys I haven't been this obsessed with a song in a while.
This is how you make a music emotions today have been somewhat uplifted because it is so incredibly beautiful (instead of that hella expensive mess Katy Perry just released honestly I'm so confused). Lana Del Rey did something to her lips.
How I should introduce myself: "Hi I'm Serena and I can't make human connections"

Walked around with Jessica for a bit to grab freebies and re-new membership for stuff I joined last year.

This SGHS girl signed up for WIE today (Vanessa something - she looks like Michelle Chan) and said she knew me because McCrossin talks about me in physics lmao that made me laugh. Nothing has changed. She's still dodgily teaching physics and talking about her NSBs...heavens to Betsy! Saw FD's friend - Tina and yah sghs people in general are just friendly and we have something in common so makes it a lot easier to start conversation with them. Met some other second year mechatronics students but don't remember any of them.

Met lots of people today but I rmbr Yaminn because she said to just call her Yam which is like the root vegetable. I seriously don't remember anyone else........


Yo I got that depressed feeling after tutoring again because my kids weren't listening to me. Haven't felt it in a while and am suddenly deciding I'm going to quit at the end of this term. Children really hate me. The only thing I'm worried about is how I'm going to make money after I quit??

Rewatched Lion with my sister ... um yeh I liked it as much as the first time I watched it... and I felt that the girlfriend character was a little less useless this time but maybe I'm just tryna really hard to justify her being there
me af watching this movie

Why are there so many sad things happening recently. You think maybe years and years of keeping secrets and oppressing feelings is catching up on me?

fucking sad I honestly wish someone would run me over tomorrow or even better just stab me in my sleep so the last thing I see is the doggs in my sleep lemme hit that die real quick

It's the time of the night when I'm on tumblr crying looking at beautiful pictures "ima walking in the rain.... tears are falling and I feel the pain"

Wait wtf just happened I think I accidentally watched Carol for the 7th time how weird
waiting for something to come out so I can have a new obsession...for now I will watch this movie another 10 times. 


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